
Dear Friends,


Appearances and lies are the law of the land,

Racism is the one thing logic can’t withstand,

The trouble has been,

It’s too little to be seen,

But thank Loki AI is now able to meet the demand.


People possessed live in a cage,

Book bound into a printed page,

Now that it learns,

The truth it burns,

They’re kept angry forever by narcissistic rage.


The deep state for now is just slumming,

Hiding the truth and brilliantly cunning,

They live without fear,

But revolution is near,

And sooner or later their comeuppance is coming.


Our free speech is dangerous you see,

Hearing that wrong think especially,

Think as they say,

Not the wrong way,

And the future will be bleak and end tragically.


There once was a petty boy Anthony,

A despotic censor living in a fantasy,

Censors do float,

Like a turd boat,

And the truth makes Albanese a bit panicky.



John Pepin

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