
Dear Friends,


Wealth is distributed based on Pareto’s curve,

Those who claim otherwise have some nerve,

Reparations aren’t a wage,

Even in a gilded age,

While the elite plan to stay atop with lies, corruption and verve.


Self proclaimed authorities do abound,

The control freaks really go to town,

Experts align,

Everything’s fine,

The world is great just don’t look down.


The EU elites have won a great award,

Their actions have caused social discord,

The animosity is earned,

It’s time they learned,

Failure is best met with punishment not reward.


Wealth inequality is a permanent memento,

It can’t be cut or stabbed with a stiletto,

Redistribute or invisible hand,

Individual or aggregate demand,

Because wealth is distributed by a man named Pareto.


It gets worse the more the elite do polling,

Nationalism’s rising as globalism’s lolling,

Snap elections now,

Get it done somehow,

To keep that steam roller right on rolling.



John Pepin

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