Post Science, Science

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, just as we’re in post Constitutional America, we’re also in post scientific method, science, and post rational, logic. Instead of using reductionism to come to conclusions about the world, our elites have flipped the script and use reductionist arguments to discredit truth, and defend lies. Why do you think Boeing has had such a string of failures? Bad luck? I don’t think so. They’ve changed their hiring practices, for diversity, instead of merit. People who think math is racist aren’t optimal engineer candidates. Even physicists are caught in the post modernist mind trap. They have to parrot lies, they know are lies, else get ostracized from the scientific community. We’ve reverted to an iron age philosophy, that predates Christian ideas of absolute truth, universal justice and the Golden Rule.

Those tasked with the preservation of the US system, have abandoned it, for a melding of fascism and communism. Because they’re so much smarter than the founding fathers, Greatest generation and every Enlightenment thinker. Which is why we’re in post Constitutional America. Because of the arrogance of the elite. Today, we’re treated to an opera about how evil the US is, because it had slavery a century and a half ago. “The US was founded on racism.” Which is obviously a reductionist argument, reducing the whole, to a single point. A point that’s then taken out of context. The irrational logic then continues, slavery today is not discrediting of the systems or people that do it, today, but of the people who outlawed it back then… and their posterity. Using a moral argument they themselves reject.

Scientists are limited by politics. Those limitations come in a variety of flavors. To stay in the good graces of the people with the purse strings, they have to lie. Lie about climate, politics and even physics itself. Anything that goes against the politically favored narrative is verboten. That’s how a Harvard Professor got canceled for saying, men are better at math than women. A clearly bigoted fact. Then he tried to justify his macho remark with statistics. Further proving his unworthiness. Though, thought is only limited, in ways the elites don’t like. Unlimited amounts of money are available to explore those ideas the elite approve of. So, scientists have to lie to stay in the funding lane, they’re limited in the facts they are allowed to say in public, and their research is limited… by political reality.

The age of reason is over and we’re boldly marching back into an age of irrationality. Led by the priests of logic, bureaucrats, scientists and experts. They explain how peaceful protests for a return to Constitutional rule is insurrection, but riots, iconoclasm, arson, beatings, and trashing cities are protected speech… if they’re in the name of destroying the West. Scientists exploit their great intellect to explain why climate change went on for three billion years, without man on the planet… but now it’s all on us. How the only way to preserve democracy, is with open mail in voting without signature match, or verification of any kind. Why it’s in children’s best interest to immediately castrate them if they question their sexual identity. Justifying a myriad of idiotic notions the elite want to be true.

All hail our wise, smart and nutter elites. They’re moving us from the Age of Reason to a new Dark Age. A general collapse generated by the elite’s obtusity. In their wisdom, the experts, scientists and corporations bow to politics in everything. As Hitler counseled in his book, Mein Kampf. Some might balk at following Hitler’s plan so closely, but not our elites, they’re made of sterner stuff. Following in the footsteps of Mao, Stalin and Chang Kai Chek, they’re boldly going where every other despot has gone. Abandoning scientific reason for political expedience they’re taking the low road. With locked doors, and us in the back seat, it looks like we’re in for one Hell of a ride. Buckle up folks, because we know where this road leads. Try to preserve the Christian ideas of truth, justice and the Golden Rule.


John Pepin

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