Using Law As A Weapon

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, anytime a political faction exploits criminal law to its own political ends, that action utterly discredits itself, as well as the law enforcement agency that allowed itself to be perverted. Could you think of a logical argument, that law enforcement discrediting itself, could lead anywhere good? Add to that, the truly dark nature of a person who would pervert law to political ends. The United States had been a beacon for other nations. If only in appearances, the US court system guarded those appearances, like a dog does a bone. Well, that bone got old, and is not as valuable to the elite as it once was. Especially if appearances get in the way of unbridled ambition. In this case, it is not a faction, although the progressives epitomize the philosophy, it is the whole expert class that has gone rogue.

Criminal law is meant to keep the peace, if it is used in any other way, it becomes the opposite of law. Something dark and malevolent that is a curse on mankind. Since violence is the only counter to violence, but violence is in and of itself a form of injustice, people banded together to delegate their just revenge to an entity they could monitor, the State, to punish crime. That law enforcement duty of the State is delegated from the people’s, just right to retribution, for a wrong done to them. Because if everyone sought revenge for every wrong, chaos would result. Chaos is no good for commerce, safety or raising a family. Therefore, law enforcement is only delegated the authority to investigate crime, but instead they create it, use law as a weapon and become the villains in the story.

Law enforcement agencies are supposed to be manned with people, who have the personal attributes of orderliness, low neuroticism and low in openness. You don’t get a lot of artist types in law enforcement because their personalities don’t suit the work. Nor do (or should) you get pathological types either. Unless there is some pernicious incentive that keeps those best suited for the job from joining, or quitting. Like, for example, a movement to make local law enforcement illegitimate, vilifying those in it and even defunding it. Such a movement would have to be concocted below ground by a sub human, with the sure knowledge it would alienate good people from law enforcement, create chaos in society and open the door to pathological types, willing to use deadly force in an IRS audit.

All political factions have their less than honest elements. When a faction lowers itself to the level of perverting criminal law to its own selfish political ends, that faction is clearly, run by those less than honest elements. Proving itself utterly unworthy of any authority or trust. This holds for law enforcement agencies as well. The FBI, CIA and NSA, along with a dose of others you and I have never heard of, are extra Constitutional means of control. Law enforcement and national security are excuses… not legitimate reasons for their existence. How do we know this? Look how they are used. The FBI doesn’t stop domestic terrorism, it plans, funds, mans and executes it, to enhance the administrative state’s power, and the faction that would pervert law to its own selfish ends.

We have to understand that the goal of government is supposed to be the advancement of the people, nation and state… not a favored group, at the expense of the people, nation and state. Aristotle called such a situation, “wrong government.” He would call our government in the US an oligarchy. Not a republic, democracy, monarchy or aristocracy… but an oligarchy. Rule by a privileged class, that are above the law and have arbitrary rule. Alvin Gouldner called them the New Class. Who are themselves ruled by the least liberal, least empathic and most authoritarian elements. The only rational response would be to disband the FBI, CIA, NSA and every other extra Constitutional weapon of the administrative state, burn the infrastructure to the ground, and salt the Earth after. That would be a start.


John Pepin

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