The Elite Are Broken

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the systems are not broken, the elite are broken, moreover, no matter what system our elite were handed, they would screw it up, because their culture is so corrupt. We live in a Venn diagram of various worlds. Each of us is an intersection. You are the intersection of the culture, nation, your religion, your ethos, philosophy, the workplace, your friends, the neighborhood, the city, community, etc… there are uncountable worlds with which each and every one of us intersect. We all know the stories of those who have become alcoholics, drug addicts, gamblers, undergo a sudden change of personality, etc… which then cause the breakdown of the worlds that they intersect with. The destruction commensurate with their import in that world. The elite are no exception.

Not only are we intersections of the worlds we reside, but those worlds effect us deeply, and often in ways we ourselves don’t recognize. Even the language you speak changes your thinking. The trans movement has a more difficult time penetrating the minds of people who speak a Latin based language, with female, and male nouns. While socialism comes naturally to them. The opposite is true of English speakers who don’t give nouns gender. We affect the worlds that we connect to, sometimes greatly, often very little, but our presence is always felt. The higher in the hierarchy of one of those worlds one is, the greater their affect on the whole. Because people follow their leaders not their subordinates. If the leaders like red clothes, the subordinates will wear red.

The culture of the elite is not that of the people. The elite’s culture (as does all culture) change depending on the clique they run in. Nevertheless, the elite have a subculture that is independent of the larger culture, western, national or other. George Carlin put it this way, “Its a big club and your not in it.” The elite are affected by the culture they intersect with and in turn they affect it. The weight of their effect depends on their position in the hierarchy. From this we can conclude that if one is embedded within a corrupt world, or worse, many corrupt worlds, one can barely help but be corrupt. Only a saint is able to rise above such a situation… and saints are not common, especially in the ranks of the elite. The elite live in a bubble of their own making. Therefore their culture is disconnected from our own.

The elite’s culture is utterly corrupt. I could go on and on with examples (as I have in past articles) but instead I will consider it a stipulation. Since we are presuming the culture of the elite is totally corrupt, we could ask why, how does that corruption change the outcome, what of the future with such a corrupt elite culture? The why is because the people at the top do not hold themselves to their own laws or our Constitutional limits. The national, social and global outcomes are diminished by the elite’s corruption in a myriad of ways. One of which is the elite abandoning merit, for political favor… creating an incompetent elite. That the people have begun to emulate, making all of society… inept. The future of a corrupt city, state or nation, is written in blood. Economic collapse, invasion and eventual slavery.

The elite’s culture needn’t be corrupt. We can affect it. Their corruption could be reigned in, somewhat, by holding them to their own laws. Since they are the enforcement mechanism, that’s not going to happen, unless we create some Constitutionally empowered law enforcement agency… to hold the elite to the law, our Constitution, and expose every nook and cranny of government to the omniscient eye of public scrutiny. (We could call it a Numa). We might put virtuous people at the top. To lead the elite away from corruption by example. Those people will be destroyed by the corrupt below however. If electing them is even possible. The elite didn’t become this corrupt, inept and arrogant overnight, change will be a process. One I pray we finish… before their culture finishes us.


John Pepin

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