The Supernatural Spark of Life

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, life is supernatural, as is consciousness itself. I can hear the derision now, “Is he crazy? There is nothing more natural than life!” Hear me out though. Let’s separate reality into that which is sensible and that which is not sensible, the sensible as natural and the insensible as supernatural. This definition meets the common idea of the natural and the supernatural, rocks and ghosts. Then the spark of life, even that of bacteria and viruses, is supernatural. Typically people think of the natural world as the common and supernatural as the uncommon. This definition is weak in that there are common things that are supernatural and uncommon things that are natural. Superconductors are natural phenomenon but are uncommon in the universe, while the inexplicable (supernatural) pervades it.

Our physicists know a great deal about the workings of our universe but have been at a virtual standstill for nearly a century. Oh, they have sharpened measurements, and verified some theories as being sufficient instruments, but the big century old questions, quantum gravity, dark energy, dark matter, etc… they elude. Therefore the insensible pervades the universe. Moreover, now cosmologists say there is more universe outside our ability to see, than what we can see within the bubble the speed of light affords us. Coupled with the startling new notion, that the laws of physics as we know them, may not be universal, and it becomes obvious that much of the universe, and possibly most of it, is unknown to us… and some is probably forever unknowable to us.

Life may or may not be ubiquitous in the universe, but either way, until a human being is able to create life in a lab, from dead matter, and it is highly doubtful it will ever happen… that spark of life must be considered supernatural. Materialists are always going on about the right mixture for life, and life started the moment it could on Earth… and they have spend great sums of money creating proteins in simulated early Earth like conditions, showing that life is only a mechanism and nothing more. Yet all their experiments in fact prove the exact opposite. It is confirmation bias that goads them to the conclusions they have. A protein or amino acid is not life as a copper wire is not a smart phone. How arrogant is someone who, having formed a crude copper wire, claimed to know all about smart phones?

Dead tissue cannot be brought back to life, even if you fix whatever killed it in the first place, no matter how simple the organism… showing the spark of life is something ethereal and yet critical. It is the force that animates us, plants, bacteria and even viruses. A mechanism can be repaired, it may be difficult, and the problem may be so minute in an IC that the IC must be replaced, but once it is replaced, the mechanism functions again. Living organisms are not like that. Once a bacteria is dead, replacing the faulty organelle has no effect. Once the spark of life has escaped, matter reverts to it’s dead state. If you look at the universe, life, even if ubiquitous, makes up a microscopic portion of all matter, especially when you consider dark matter… making that spark rare and therefore precious.

Life may be supernatural but it is cheap… or at least that is how it appears in the “natural world.” Almost like dead matter is at war with the spark of life. The spark wants to animate it and it wants to stay dead. Sadly, many of us take the side of death against life. Nihilism manipulates a conscious being into thinking the miracle of their life is a waste. If it is wasted though, it is because they wasted it themselves, not because life is meaningless. How arrogant then, to think the marvel of human life is anything but a supernatural phenomenon, of the greatest value. Something sacred to be cherished, not tossed into a dumpster… serving death. Eventually, death will claim all of us, but hopefully, we will help life stay in that epic billions year long relay race… and not try to quash that spark.


John Pepin

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