Amnesty, Reward and the Elite

Dear Friends,


It seems to me, if you want a stable, productive and wealthy society, government should punish law breaking and reward those who follow the law. The exact opposite of what is done today. When law breaking is rewarded it inevitably leads to more law breaking. Couple this with punishing law following and you have the perfect system to destroy any civilization. I would think this is fairly obvious but apparently it is not. The elite must believe the opposite else they seek to destroy our society. Those who seek to destroy societies and civilizations are, by their actions, evil. Therefore, if the elite actually are not drooling mentally retarded people, then they are evil.


Society works best when all the people follow the rules. Every society today has a faction of the citizenry that is above the law and some faction that is below the law. The larger those factions are, the more destructive of societal equilibrium. If a State becomes lawless it ceases being a State. Look at the failed States around the World. Those few examples in history where most of the people followed the law and societal moors, are singular in that they provided the people with the most real security, and consistently supply high standards of living.


The elite are universally above the law in every country to a greater or lesser extent. The politically despised are below the law in every country. Even where this practice is specifically outlawed by a constitution we see that this universal paradigm holds true. In the US Congressmen are allowed to break the law with impunity. Unless their actions are so obnoxious, the people get riled up, there are no consequences for the elite who break the law.


That punishing following the law will lead to less people following the law, should be pretty obvious to everyone… except the elite. If we go all the way back to childhood we remember that when our parents punished us, we were less inclined to repeat the behavior later, due to fear of the punishment should we be caught. This translates into adulthood as well. When an adult is punished for an action, say following the law, he or she is induced not to repeat that action again, due to fear of future punishment.


Just as punishing following the laws, will lead to less people following the law, rewarding breaking the law will lead to more people breaking the law. Using the childhood analogy again, if a child gets a reward for some behavior the parent likes they will be more inclined to do that behavior again, if it was rewarded. The same again holds true of adults. When we are rewarded we seek more reward and past experience has shown us that a reward can be had if we do such and such. If it is breaking the law, oh well, the reward itself is rationalization enough.


Some few examples of how the political elite reward law breaking and punish law following are; amnesty for illegal aliens while legal immigrants wait on the list for years, constant perjury without consequence by the political elite, while the average guy is prosecuted for any untruth told to the government, I could go on but the paper runs out…


Since nothing I have said in this blog yet is the tiniest bit controversial, then either the political and cultural elite are dumber than dirt, or they understand this too. If the elite really want to be “fair” then why not round up all the people who have jumped the boarder and send them home, and give a path to citizenship, to all those waiting on the list to come in legally. If there were true justice of any kind in the World, the political elite would be punished just as you or I would be, if we perjured ourselves in front of Congress.


Clearly, to reward law breaking while punishing following the law, will result in breakdown of society and all the ills that follow. Like crime, poverty, and despair. If we judge people by their actions and we believe the elite are not idiots then the only conclusion that can be reached, judging by their actions, the elite want a breakdown in society, and they want the crime, poverty and despair that follows. The only reason the elite could want these things, is if they want to use the chaos to declare marshal law, and make their seats at the head of society’s table, permanent. At the cost to everyone else.





John Pepin

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