Power Grab

Dear Readers,

HOLY MOLY!!! There is a bill apparently in front of the Connecticut Legislature, [“The Lawlor-and-McDonald-controlled Judiciary Committee has introduced Raised Bill 1098, a bill aimed specifically at the Catholic Church, which would remove the authority of the bishop and pastor over individual parishes and put a board of laymen in their place.”-from ctfamily.org] to wrest control of the inner workings of the Roman Catholic church away from the Diocese (Bishop, Monsignor, Pastors and Deacons). I thought I was living in crazy times but this takes the cake.

Here are some links to info about it;



This blatant power grab of government is very disquieting. The Elite must feel very comfortable in their positions, to even speak of a coup like this aloud, let alone attempt it! It would appear that they have no fear of a backlash. If they think that we are so pacified, that they can take over a religion, like a bank…

The natural flow of government is to become ever more powerful until blood must be spilled to overthrow it. All governments, eventually, the test of a constitution is the amount of time it can withstand this tendency. Like water seeks lower ground government seeks more power. But wise government resists this predilection. Foolish government skips down the icy slope.

Madison wasn’t sure that there should be amendments to the Constitution. He argued that if the Constitution doesn’t give the Federal government the power to regulate the playing of jumping jacks the government has not power to regulate jumping jacks. But if the government is prohibited from regulating kick ball, does that then mean that, because the government isn’t forbidden from regulating jumping jacks, now can it? But, what we have here, is an example of the Elite’s first ham handed attempt, to control religion. Once the Roman Catholic church falls maybe the Methodists will be next? The Mormons cannot be far behind. Remember, this is only the first such blatant attempt. There will be more…

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says that the “government shall make no law respecting religion, or an establishment thereof.” That has been redefined as “the separation of church and state.” Which is now evolving into an establishment of a state religion of atheism. With the widespread adoption of atheism the people will loose hope. Needing a religious outlet we will turn to all manner of negative witchcraft.

People have three parts. A physical nature, an intellectual nature, and a spiritual nature. All three must be exercised else the one that is not atrophies. A person who has so atrophied his intellect is a shell. The person who atrophies his body is a wisp. And the person who atrophies his soul is without hope. The Elite want to control us in all three parts. They want our minds, to that end they have the public schools. They want our bodies, to that end they will soon have the draft, again. And they want our souls, to that end they are establishing a state religion, and now, trying to wrest control of the Roman Catholic church…

The hubris of the Elite is only matched by their greed.

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