Dear friends,
Sit back watch and have a smoke,
Naked corruption without a cloak,
The FBI made us tools,
Being above the rules,
And now the deep state’s made law a joke.
They tracked down grandma,
Strolling in the US veranda,
They couldn’t be calmer,
And she went to prison for propaganda.
Honest elections are a dangerous affair,
Corrupt politicians then better beware,
Illegally cast votes,
Delivered in totes,
And in prison the frauds can despair.
Wealth inequality chant the politically crowned,
But a more spurious argument can’t be found,
An appeal to envy,
With promises empty,
And the rabid fox bites and bites until it’s bound.
Hey ho the deep state’s got to go,
Trump’s tough but it’s in the know,
Worthless snot,
Shit can the lot,
Else the deep state will crush him with a toe.
John Pepin