
Dear Friends,


There once was a bully on the block,

Viciously he attacked to stay on top,

Holding a cold beer,

He said you better fear,

Until someone came and cleaned his clock.


There once was a bureaucracy so deceitful,

They lied even when a lie was unhelpful,

The FBI agent said with a moan,

As he slathered on cologne,

The other maggots around me smell awful.


CCP elites are known to be zealous,

Their secrets to them are precious,

A nuclear calamity,

Double up security,

While our elites look at the cover up and are jealous.


There once was a gal name Kamila,

Her mind was as sharp as vanilla,

She said with a harrumph,

Don’t vote for Trump,

And I’ll do for you what I did for North Carolina.


Violence is often senseless,

Happening when we’re careless,

Look up straight,

Smile and be awake,

And always maintain situational awareness.


Propaganda is a great tool,

Effecting the mind of a fool,

Though all of us play,

The fool in our day,

And given enough it makes even the intelligent drool.



John Pepin

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