Politics Cannot Solve Our Problems

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our society has become enthralled by the lie, that politics can solve all our problems. When the exact opposite is usually the case. Most of our problems directly result from politics. If you don’t think of it, it makes perfect sense that government could solve any problem. The State has the money, the power to pass laws and a monopoly on violence. It wields incredible power. The reasoning goes, with that much power, the State could do anything. Yet consistently, the State fails even in its most basic duties, let alone taking on changing the planet’s temperature, resetting our economy or usurping the role of the church. Politics indeed cannot solve all, most or even a few of our problems, we cannot subcontract our duty to the government, we must solve them ourselves.

How could an entity with that much temporal power not be able to solve any problem? Government has always wielded enormous power, money and armies to do what it wants. That power is over human beings, not the weather, physics or economics however. A government can wage war on drugs all it wants but it cannot win. Drugs are not people and thus cannot capitulate. That is why, even when government honestly wants to help, it hinders instead. Because the elite see that money, bureaucracy and army and think they can impose their will on God. The fact gravity, fire and economics are not amenable to regulation by government, is lost on the elite and their sycophants. Like when Xerxes ordered the Hellespont whipped for destroying his bridge. It is an exercise in futility.

While the State is more than happy to accept all the Rights we are willing to delegate to it, for the purposes of solving all our problems, solving problems is not in the State’s interest. Expecting anyone to act against their interest is always a fool’s errand… especially sociopaths and psychopaths. Therefore, no matter the power government is given, it will never solve a problem, the money is in managing it with a bureaucratic agency. This is one reason no problem has ever been solved by government, they have been managed. If government solved a problem, there would no longer be a need for that agency, and that can NEVER be allowed to happen. Take the “Rural Electrification Project” that is still operational. Apparently, in the US, rural people will never get electricity… despite our having it.

If all our problems could be solved by an all powerful state, why didn’t any of the historic totalitarian governments solve any of humanity’s longstanding problems? Rather they exacerbated the problems to tragedy and crisis. Far from making sure everyone is well nourished, labor is not alienating and everyone is equal… famine always accompanies any socialist order. That is just a historic truth. Those that see government as the solution to all our problems, have forgot there are other sources of solution, sources that have been the font of great strides in humanity. Fraternal organizations, churches, and individual initiative have solved all our problems in the past. Even the problems government created. Why not return to what has worked… instead of clutching onto that which has not?

The reality is, politics cannot solve our problems, it is the source of most of them. We must solve our own problems, and to do so, we have to take back the power we have delegated to the State for that purpose. It is using those powers to make things worse. The first step is to get our fellows to realize that our problems cannot be solved by politics. Let everyone hear the message and the logic of it will permeate even the strongest brainwashing. It is a self evident fact, and being self evident it needs no argument, but to be heard. The elite cannot attack that message so will attack the truth tellers who utter it. When you hear someone claim that we need law, a court order or a Presidential edict, to solve a problem, point out to them… not all our problems can be solved by politics.


John Pepin

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