Monthly Archives: June 2024

The Swindling Of America

Dear Friends, It seems to me, in Biden’s America you feel swindled, because you are being swindled. The clear and obvious double standard in law enforcement, mind numbing inflation as the Fed strangles us and our pay, are a few … Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Elitists Banning Democracy To Protect Democracy

Dear Friends, It seems to me, in Germany, elitists are threatening to ban populists, to protect democracy. In their singular void of self awareness… despotic elitists are calling the populist AFD, a threat to democracy. People who openly avow that … Continue reading

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,   Bureaucrats work hard all day, Regulating your wealth away, Disagreeable lot, Government rot, While protecting their privilege position and pay.   The elites are going at it full tilt, Bending our ears with propaganda’s lilt, You’ll take … Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Values, Urban And Rural

Dear Friends, It seems to me, a thing urban people don’t understand, is the relationship rural people have with guns. How could they? Having a completely different background. Rural people grow up with guns, chain saws and tractors. They’re simply … Continue reading

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Draft

Dear Friends, It seems to me, a draft would be a terrible thing, because it would further empower an insane elite. Anyone who’s read any of my articles understands how utterly out of control our elites are. So we have … Continue reading

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,   When you’re shopping at the market, Or at the local mall saying charge it, The world’s not safe today, The elite made it that way, So the lesson nowadays is to be a hard target.   We’ll … Continue reading

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Regulating Prosperity Away

Dear Friends, It seems to me, almost everyone undervalues the destruction that regulation causes to the economy. Think of an economy like an onion. Each layer representing an industry. The most profitable ones at the core and the least profitable … Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Migration Proves Communism Evil And Capitalism Good

Dear Friends, It seems to me, action betrays even self delusion. We’re self interested, and we do what we believe is in our self interest. We don’t work hard to harm ourselves. Do you? Judging from history and modernity, people … Continue reading

Posted in business, economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Elite Jokes

Dear friends, A bureaucrat and a clergyman died and went to heaven. After accepting them, Saint Peter led the clergyman to a small room with only a table, chair and bed. The bureaucrat became worried at this. Until Saint Peter … Continue reading

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dear Friends,   Wishy washy and won’t take a position, Always awaiting the perfect condition, We voters have no say, The deep state’s way, Showing the republican party is merely controlled opposition.   The ECHR will protect your health, No … Continue reading

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