The Rising Tide of Censorship

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the desire to censor is inherent in all who would be tyrants, while those who seek to limit government care little what fools may say. To want to be a tyrant is as human as wanting a significant other, human history proves nothing if not that there are those people who seek to tyrannize others, moreover, those who seek to tyrannize others don’t go for janitor jobs, they seek power, government appeals to them and they never seek to leave it’s comfy bosom. The few who seek to limit the power of government usually come from outside government, planning on returning to private life after government, and so they have a goal and an end in sight. When someone plans to spend their life at the teat of government, they are very afraid someone might force them off it and into the harsh reality of life, while those who plan on leaving the government’s warm embrace have nothing to fear. Clearly those who fear will go to extremes where someone without that fear is heedless. So it follows, those who desire political power over the lives of others will resort to the extreme measure of censorship while those who seek to limit the power of evil men over us will not.

A glance at world leaders is pretty enlightening in this context. The European Union is a wealth of examples proving the theory that tyrants prefer to censor while libertarians prefer open communication. Take Angela Merkel, she has glomed onto politics, like tar to road, there is no getting her out of it. Since she is running for a fourth term, or is it her fifth term? Hard to keep it straight since she has been in power in Germany for a whole generation. Clearly Angela Merkel has no plans on ever voluntarily leaving the safety of the government’s nourishing breast. She cannot possibly be so stupid she doesn’t know what she is doing to the German people, which only leaves us to conclude she is intentionally committing genocide against the German people. With the world she, Obama, Putin, Holland and other world leaders have created, ablaze all around us. Christian and Yazidi genocide under their watch, along with violence spreading across the Middle East and North Africa, like a wild fire. Now her top priority is to shut up what she defines as “fake news?!” Could there be a better possible definition of the person I am talking about here than her? Perhaps Obama, Hillary, Holland, etc…

Today I read the Hillary people are claiming she should challenge the vote count because they have found statistical possibility of vote fraud! Really, you couldn’t make this up no one would ever, ever believe you. With all the effort Obama and the democrat party did to ensure a strong dead turnout, busing voters precinct to precinct as well as an overwhelming amount of illegal alien ballots, to put Hillary over the edge. So far Hillary has declined to file any lawsuits… because they would find her side had done the vote fraud! Meanwhile, her surrogates in the bought and paid for unbiased media, are calling for outright censorship of everyone but themselves. No matter that wikileaks released dozens of emails showing collusion between individual reporters as well as editorial staffs of major media outlets, that call themselves unbiased. In truth, the major media that is calling for the banning of “fake” news sites are the very ones who have been caught red handed, passing yellow journalism as unbiased!

Let’s face it, censorship is a beautiful thing, if you are the censor. You can shut up even the most common sense argument by force of law, convention or shaming, leaving your message the only one anyone can hear. At it’s most diabolical it is a means to change people’s very thoughts. Thought control being a long sought goal of tyrants throughout the ages. Because that is exactly what censorship is all about, thought control. If the censor can control what you “know” then they control the parameters of what you can think. If you have never heard of a wheel… how many of us would think about them? Action follows thought. If a tyrant wants to control our actions then control of our very private thought is the best way, censorship is that means, as are hate crimes and any other law that is based on a thought rather than an action.

Since the desire to censor is inherent in the desire to control others, while that need is absent in those who seek less government power, we can say that those who seek censorship are the ones who want to be tyrants, while those who don’t care what others say don’t. From this we can say that political leaders, like Angela Merkel, who seek to censor others also seek tyranny. Tyrants never seek tyranny to improve the lot of Man but to lower it, as the example of Angela Merkel shows. Those who covet political power will cross any bridge, and if denied that power will burn it, as Hillary Clinton has and is. The most magnetic quality of censorship to the tyrant is it’s ability to control thought. Such control is the Eldorado of all tyrants everywhere and at all times. If we then want less government power over us, we have to recognize those who seek to be tyrants and do everything in our power to deny them that power, it is in our self interest rightly understood.


John Pepin

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