All Hail Our New Oligarchs!!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are seeing the results of the new class’ idea that Our Constitution is a “living breathing document” philosophy, in that what it says is irrelevant, what it means is a non sequitur and the original intent is now utterly abandoned. So now, instead of a fixed document strictly enumerating the role, powers and limitations of our government, we have a meaningless rag that exists only to give the new class elite a faux legitimacy. Therefore, we now live under what the ancient Greeks called, arbitrary rule. The laws are arbitrarily set and enforced by the elite for their benefit, not the benefit of society. The new class is a defacto aristocracy, they are the only source for every judge, lawyer, congressman, President, college professor, reporter, editor, etc… Aristotle called an aristocracy that serves it’s own interest oligarchy. So our once Constitutional republic with a limited role of government has metamorphosed into an oligarchy that has arbitrary power.

What makes a king a king? Public opinion… If the people woke one morning and forgot that King Eggbert was king, and thought Wilbur Underwater is and has always been king, Wilbur would be king. If Eggbert stood and proclaimed he was and had always been king, he would be put in an insane asylum. It is as simple as that. If the public believe a person is king, then he or she is, alternatively, if the public believes the government can do a thing, then it can. If someone stands and proclaims that thing is illegal for the government to do, he or she will be roundly criticized a fool, since everyone “knows” they can! That is why the elite today get away with what they are doing, the public’s opinion is that they can. Public opinion has been changed from understanding the original meaning of the Constitution and the Framer’s intent, to a contemptible ignorance of it, because the new class has been pushing that message into the zeitgeist for generations.

The Legislative branch has abdicated it’s powers to the Executive and the Judicial. Laws are now made, enforced and infractions punished by the Executive. The Bureaucracy is essentially Philip Dru Administrator. It answers to no one but the President, making the President essentially a king in fact if not in name. The Legislative branch refuses to use it’s power of the purse to reign in an out of control President, because they support the US becoming an oligarchy with arbitrary rule. Since they are the oligarchs. If a President tried to return the US to Constitutional rule however, he or she would be assaulted by every branch of the government, media and the professional agitators. The new class hold on the mechanism of government is iron fisted.

The Judicial Branch has been increasing it’s law making powers for generations. In the 1940’s, the Supreme Court ruled that if the Federal government wants, it can outlaw people growing their own food on their own land. As absurd as that sounds it was a landmark ruling for Franklin Roosevelt and his progressive policies. That ruling led to the bureaucracy. In 1973 the Supreme Court invented a new “right,” that a woman could murder her unborn baby at any time for any reason. Since there was no negative consequences for the judges who made up a new right and wrote it into our Constitution outside the prescribed Constitutional process, (they should have been impeached by the Legislative branch), that opened up the total power of the Supreme Court to change our Constitution, however and whenever they wished, for whatever reason. In 1989 Mistretta v. United States the Supreme Court ruled the Legislative Branch could delegate it’s law making powers to the Exectutive, ie, the Bureaucracy, in violation of the nondelegation philosophy. All of which led directly to the newest usurpations by the Supreme Court, Gay marriage and rewriting Obama care.

The ruling about gay marriage is not about giving someone a new right, it is about forcing others to do what government wants. No one cares what consenting adults do. I am not trying to force others to follow my morality, Gay marriage however forces me to follow theirs. If a Gay couple want to force a business owner to be involved in their wedding, regardless of the moral conviction of that business owner, the full power and weight of the Federal government will come down on him or her forcing them to. What a slippery slope that is!! What it now establishes is that the government is now the arbiter of morality! Believe something other than what the government wants and they can punish you for your very thoughts.

Book burning cannot be far away now. All the government need do is label the ideas in any book “hate speech,” and it follows, they can seize all the copies and burn them. Now that the Supreme Court has given the government, and thereby the new class, arbitrary power to regulate morality and thought, it won’t be long before the government will decide what preachers can say at the pulpit, what ideas can be written down in books and even what you can say in your own home. There can be no greater tyranny then a government regulating our very thoughts, and no government that can, will ever allow us to change it. Remember; No matter how much you like what they are doing with that arbitrary power today, beware, you might not like it tomorrow, but then it will be too late, you gave them the right to do it today.


John Pepin

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