What is Wrong With the Republicans?

Dear friends,

It seems to me… you have to wonder what is wrong with the Republican party. They were elected in a landslide to counter Obama’s extra constitutional actions, especially on immigration, they have control of the House and Senate, yet they go along with everything Obama is doing to the country in direct violation of their mandate! Take illegal immigration for example, a policy in which the vast majority of the electorate agree needs to be addressed, but the republicans have become accomplices in amnesty! They could have defunded Obama care, but didn’t, and so have saddled the US economy with at least another year of that economic train wreck. It makes one wonder what the republicans actually will do? They were happy to attack Ted Cruise, when he stood up for our Constitution, but are unwilling to attack Obama for violating that Constitution. It would seem, the republican elite agree with Obama in moving the country from Constitutional rule, to arbitrary power, they just want to be the ones to run it. However, as opposed to Obama who is doing it out in the open, the republicans are backing Obama’s power grab in secret. As I always say, look at someone’s actions, not their rhetoric, actions speak the truth where rhetoric is mostly lies.

Amnesty for illegal immigrants is a home run for the republicans. The vast majority of Americans want to put an end to illegal immigration. Secure the boarders is a winner in poll after poll. The average guy and gal know, illegal immigration drives down wages, is an incentive for crime, unbalances the demographics, creates a class that is above the law as well as a permanent underclass, etc… the American people want the boarder secure and don’t want more incentives for people to come here illegally. Amnesty, the dream act, releasing alien criminals out on the streets, not enforcing drunk driving laws on illegals, allowing identity theft, etc… sends exactly the wrong message! Yet the Republicans will not fight Obama even on that issue! Despite the backing of the vast majority of the electorate!

In Silicon Valley, American programmers are teaching immigrants to do their jobs, then are laid off! So those new class run, billion dollar highly profitable companies, can lower wages in the high tech sector! In every sector of the economy the new class are using immigrants as a hammer to pound the wages of Americans lower. Americans are becoming very angry at our government for encouraging the destruction of jobs, lowering of our wages and changing the demographics of our nation. Clearly the government is not working in the best interests of citizens. The new class doesn’t like how we vote, and so since they can’t change how we vote and think, they will change us. Such actions are sinister.

Everyone who is honest with him or herself knows Obama care has been a catastrophe for the American economy. It limits the size of business, it limits the amount of full time work firms can have, it has driven up costs dramatically, while lowering the quality of service, it has nationalized a huge portion of the economy and it is creating a two tiered healthcare system, one for the haves and the other for everyone else. Poll after poll show the American people do not like Obama care, we don’t like it in our lives, we don’t like it for our wives, we don’t like it at our jobs, we don’t like it’s huge cost. We don’t like it in the mall, we don’t like Obama care at all. But the republicans can’t even bring themselves to defund that widely hated power grab to undermine individual sovereignty.

Who are we to vote for then? If we vote for the democrats we know what we are getting, new class progressives who despise our Constitution and the Rights it guarantees. If we vote for republicans, they will do the exact same things as democrats, just claiming they disagree. At least the democrats are honest that they hate God, our Rights and our Constitution. Republicans are connivers who claim to love those things, but go along with everything the democrats do to undermine them. Is it any wonder the percentage of the American population that doesn’t vote is getting ever larger? Obama was elected both times with less than twenty eight percent of the American people’s votes! Less then forty percent of Americans eligible to vote are so offended by the lack of real choices they don’t even bother to participate in the rigged system the new class has devised.

Our two party system has been perverted. The new class took the soviet example to heart. You have a choice… a choice between this Marxist, or that Marxist. Both options are exactly the same they differ in name only. The new class has engineered a means by which they can move the US away from Constitutional rule… with it’s hated limits on government power, Judeo Christian moral structure, and market system, to one where no matter who you vote for, it moves the ball down the road to serfdom. Today, our Constitution means whatever they say it does, just like the barn in Orwell’s Animal Farm. All animals are equal, but some animals are MORE equal than others… Perhaps we should vote for and back the Tea party as a real alternative to serfdom? Or, do more of the same and expect different results.


John Pepin

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