September 11, 2001

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that we should remember September 11, 2001 for the day it was. The events of that day defied the minds ability to conceptualize the reality of it all. Not that it was out of the blue but the suddenness of the terrorist attack on Western civilization was shocking.

Many people have tried to stop mankind’s progress. Today some of them even call themselves “Progressives” as a sophist way to misdirect their true aims. No matter what they call themselves they are anti progressive. To be progressive a civilization must be the archetype of three ideas. They must be progressing in science, philosophy, morality and economically. To think that throwing out thousands of years of religious thought is “progress” is to think that forgetting classic Grecian algebra is “progress” because it’s old fashioned, (did you know that Pythagoras lived more than two thousand years ago). Progress requires foundational material to build on… dynamiting the foundation is not progress. The people who lived thousands of years ago were just as smart, wise and hard working as we are. Truth is, they were probably smarter, wiser and harder working. They didn’t have the advantage of two thousand years of Scientific, Philosophical, Moral or Economic progress we have… They provide our foundation.

The radical Muslim terrorist is the modern barbarians at the gates. Like Attila the Hun they don’t seek to build they seek to subjugate. Like the Mongols that didn’t build anything, they lived on horses, drank horse milk, and swept through Asia to Egypt where the Crusaders tacitly helped the Egyptian army stop the Mongols. The Radical Muslim terrorist has no intention to build a civilization… he intends to destroy one. He has no concept that the person tricking him and his children into killing themselves while committing a mortal sin, will turn on him as soon as it fits his needs. He is a mere dupe. His children are cannon fodder to the tyrant. On some level he must know this…Yet he soldiers on.

September 11, 2001 is a tragedy for the people who cheered as it is a tragedy for the people who cried. The people who cheered have suffered greatly. They cheered for their oppressors. Dionysus was the tyrant of Syracuse. Hated by all he held power until Dion overthrew him. But Dion was outdone by the people’s fickleness. They, having only just regained their liberty, were jealous of Dion and let Dion’s enemies revile him politically. Then fell for the libelous spin and were rewarded by the return Dionysus’s tyranny. I fear the people in the Islamic world might follow in Syracuse’s footsteps.

The people who cried have forgotten. Forget the Alamo is the modern war cry. Hard to imagine how that could go bad. People the world over came together for the tragedy that would be the portent of many more to come. But the Elite decided that it was in their personal best interest for society to forget. To that end the unbiased media have been as helpful as the town criers of Syracuse.

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