Water No Longer Wets Us…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our leaders want us to believe, that water no longer wets us and fire no longer burns. Taken from a line from the Rudyard Kipling poem, Gods of the Copybook Headings, it describes the absurdity we are expected, to not only believe but invest our lives, fortunes and the well being of our children in. From the War on Terror to monetizing debt what used to bad we are told is good and what was good is now bad. Our leaders have managed to break the most effective wealth creation machine ever invented in part by convincing us want is good and wealth is bad. They manage information via the unbiased news, insuring we never get the whole truth, only part truths, out of context and mixed with many lies. The path they have put us on can only lead to disaster.

The war on terror is a good example of this. Our leaders have placed members of the Muslim brotherhood in key positions of national defense. This despite the fact Al Queda, ISIS, Hamas, and many other terrorist organizations are a spin off of the Muslim Brotherhood. Even the founding documents of the Muslim brotherhood says they seek a Caliphate. No sane person would put someone who has sworn to be an enemy in a position to decide our strategy against them, but someone who is convinced water will no longer wet us and fire will no longer burn, would do it and call it a good turn.

Monetizing debt, we are told, is the only way to escape the economic doldrums the elite have put us in. History is adamant that such policies always lead to economic collapse by run away inflation. History is filled with examples where printing money to gin demand has led to disaster, Wiemar Germany, Argentina, Czechoslovakia, Colonial America, the list goes on and on. There is not one example where printing fiat money did not destroy a nation’s currency. Today however, we are to believe that water will no longer wet us and fire will no longer burn, and inflation can never return.

Our leaders tell us insistently they would never become tyrants and that Our Constitution is an outdated document. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Supreme Court Justice, entrusted with protecting our Constitution, said as much in a speech a few years ago in Egypt. She said if she were writing a Constitution today, she would not use the outdated American example, but the South African communist one instead. We are to believe that today’s leaders would never become despots because they care too much to do that. History on the other hand, is filled with examples of nations giving up their freedom to those who claimed to be human hearted, the story of Dion in Plutarch’s lives is a perfect example. Modern wisdom is, human nature has changed, or in other words, water no longer wets us and fire no longer burns, the goodness of our leaders is a trait that can be learned.

Even socialism is sold to us as a wonderful fix for all the problems that plague humanity. History is adamant that every time socialism has been tried, it has resulted in famine, slaughter and tyranny. Yet our progressive leaders, especially in academia, claim real communism has never been tried! Millions buried in rice paddies in Cambodia might disagree. But this time it will be different we are assured. Socialism will make every one equal, eliminate disease, conquer death, put an end to war and cause benevolent space aliens to land and help us… because they will be so impressed at our advanced social evolution. Water will no longer wet us and fire will no longer burn, the future is great and enlightened, and people will never more yearn.

Once a people have become transfixed with “magic,” it is hard to get them to look behind the curtain, especially if we are told by the unbiased media things are going great, if not in our own lives at least in everyone else’s. It takes strength of will and requires we use our brains to deny the dangerous fiction we are being sold. Those that do will always be vilified by those seeking to trick us into damaging our self interests, and the interests of humanity as a whole, in favor of their narrow selfish interests. If we fall for the delusion we have no one else to blame. Because we know in our hearts, water will always wet us and fire always burns, to ignore reality ensures, the Gods of the copybook headings, with terror and slaughter return.


John Pepin

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