The Rise of the Proletariat

Dear Friends,


It seems to me, the two parties in the US don’t represent the people, they represent two factions of the elite. The democrat party represents the so called “New Class” while the republican party represents the bourgeois. In this struggle they both have as their primary adversary, and pawns to the game, the American people. In this they are united, that is why the Tea Party, a grass roots organization that actually does represent the needs and wants of the vast majority of the American Electorate, must be destroyed. The two old parties exploit the people to their own ends… not ours. This is a paradigm that must be overturned else we will become serfs in all but name.


The “New Class” as it has been termed are the intelligentsia. Those with advanced degrees. If we examine who has led every socialist revolution in the past, they have never been led by the proletariat, (as Marxists doctrine claims they would be), they have always been started, funded and the ideologically fueled by the academics, and professional revolutionaries, who exploited the peasantry to do the dirty work. In all cases the working people have been the victims of socialist revolutions. This new class becomes more Marxist the higher you go in academia, wealth and political power. If we examine the top echelons of Harvard, Yale and the other Ivy league schools, we will find a plurality of revolutionary Marxists and anarchists. Neither of which have the best interest of the workers at heart. The unbiased media are also members of this new class.


What I mean by the bourgeois, is the owners of the means of production, as Marx did. The definition of the owners of the means of production however are not what you might think. If you have an IRA or 401K, you are the bourgeois, if you own stocks or bonds or if you have a well stocked tool kit, you are the owner of the means of production. Entrepreneurs are a faction of the bourgeois as are family run business men. The CEO and the board of directors of a company are not the bourgeois however, those people, (who control the means of production as opposed to own it), are members of the new class.


Unfortunately it is not quite that simple. Both parties have at the top members of the new class. They run both parties. That is why they fight over trivialities, like the magnitude of a tax hike, when what we the people want are lower taxes. They agree that they should control everything… but each wants the power for themselves. They consider themselves superior to us because of their academic achievements. They hold us in disdain, believing us incapable of running our own lives, and so we are in need of their enlightened guidance. Both parties have this as their fundamental ethos.


The Tea party however was formed by the people. We sought a seat at the table of power. But the elite hold us in even greater contempt for it. They see the Tea party as upstarts who should bow to the great wisdom of the elite, in moving our society to a socialist one, where the State is the arbiter of everything and the goods of society are distributed by political favor. Since they have the political favor, this paradigm that they espouse, is a nakedly self serving one. The Tea Party is just as guilty of this as are the elite. We seek to meet our self interests by having a seat at the table too.


The primary difference is that we don’t seek to wrest the power of the State for our own aggrandizement or personal enrichment, we seek to limit the power of the State, so we won’t have to labor under the yoke of tyranny. As Thrasymachus said in The Republic, Most people only want to live their lives in peace, but great men want power… We seek a society where we can get ahead if we earn it, and where political favor is less of a factor in where we end up in society, than our personal merits. In short we seek a meritocracy. This entire thought process is an anathema to the elite in both parties.


This is why both the Republican old guard and the entirety of the Democrat party are so vicious in their attacks on politicians who back the Tea Party. There is no limit to the vitriol they will dump on the Tea Party, and by extension, us. The Constitution is a road block and so must be changed, by hook or by crook, but changed it must be. Remember, you don’t have to change the words in a Constitution to change it’s meaning… only the meaning of the words.


To the person with his or her eyes open, the new class is in fact a very old class… the aristocracy, seeking to reestablish their old privileges. So, the Tea party is in fact the true proletariat uprising, struggling against the chains the old powers are trying to bind us with… as Marx envisioned. We don’t want violent revolution, or blood in the streets, we just want peace, prosperity and liberty. To the wannabe dictator however there is nothing as distasteful as a pawn that has an opinion. Pawns are to be sacrificed for the greater good… the good of the elite, or in other words, the new aristocracy.





John Pepin

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