Political Parties Police Each Other

Dear Reader,

It seems to me that when dealing with people who employ go for the throat politics it is wise to employ go for the throat politics. In the USA the Democrats are good at policing the Republicans. The Republicans are terrible at policing the democrats however.

When Newt Gingrich was speaker of the house the democrats relentlessly hounded him until they got him on teaching his philosophy in the classroom. Destroying him politically for a decade. When a republican Senate leader said at a retirement party that if the old guy had won (as a Dixicrat) the country would be different. The democrats crushed him politically so that he had to give up his leadership position.

Now we have speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in a row with the American CIA about the content of certain briefings. The worthless republicans are quiet. They haven’t the stomach for a fight. This, at a time when She, Ms Pelosi, is actively trying to criminally prosecute republicans for a policy dispute about the very acts and knowledge of, that are in question!

She is saying that the CIA didn’t actively say that water boarding was actually being used at the time and had been used. The CIA records of the meetings in question say that Ms Pelosi and the other attendees of the meetings were given this information. The recollection of some of the other attendees agree.

Ms Pelosi was adamant that Scooter Libby should go to jail for his not being able to remember details of casual conversations years back. Yet she is expecting a pass for not recollecting the main subject matter of CIA national security briefings. Briefings that were pertinent to what she herself has cauterized as criminal and is fervent about.

Democrats engage in go for the throat politics. They don’t bother answering legitimate questions they destroy their political enemies. Republicans are either too squeamish to do the same or agree with the policies of the democrats. Both possibilities condemn their ability to effectively be a loyal opposition.

With the republicans weak at policing the democrats, and democrats with such a monopoly on power in the USA today, the incentives to corruption are great. If the republicans agree with the direction that the democrats want to take the country they will fall easily into the corruption and become the scapegoats of the democrats when some whiff of the putrefaction comes to light. Those that don’t agree will be destroyed…

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