On Freedom of Religion vs. Separation of Church and State.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the fully sophist term, “separation of church and State,” is diametrically opposed to the concept of freedom of religion. The first, separation, demands the State focus on eradicating religion from the public square, and the second, freedom of religion, requires government to ignore religion. When the State must have no religion it is the definition of an atheist State. If the state must be atheist, then it has established a state religion, anti religion. Such a State, devoid of higher morality, cannot long stand. A lack of higher morality allows the State to implement anything that catches it’s fancy. This is the definition of arbitrary government.

The atheists claim they just don’t want religion driven down their throats. This is pure hypocrisy because they have no problem driving their atheism down our throats. No one demands they attend church services, but they require us bow down to the atheist state. They require atheism be taught to our children in the government monopoly school system! When the atheist demands the ten commandments be removed from all government edifices, they seek to offend religious people. They get away with it because it violates the established government religion… atheism. The atheist is the hypocrite that demands religion be kept indoors, under wraps and hidden, so their philosophy of anti religion can be forwarded by government, and thus become ascendent.

All philosophies about the nature, origin and worship of God, are religions. No matter if a philosophy is pro God or anti God it is still an expression of a belief, or disbelief, in God. That an ethos is against God and his worship, is as much a statement of the atheist’s beliefs about God, as the most ardent Baptist sermon is a testament to a belief in God. Therefore, clearly, atheism is a form of religion.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This is the actual text of the First amendment of the US Constitution. It says the State must not establish any religion or impede the free exercise thereof. We have proven that atheism is as much a religion as Judaism or Zoroastrianism. Separation therefore, since it establishes Atheism as the State religion, is unconstitutional.

Freedom has, as a perquisite, that men be allowed free action. This, it would seem, should be simple common sense. If a state outlaws an action it can be said that there is no freedom of that action. Separation of church and state outlaws the free exercise of religion. The moment an anti religious person is offended, and they are a cold sore longing to be touched, they will go to the courts, stinging us, with the government driving atheism down our throats. This is the antithesis of freedom of religion; it is the State establishing religion and outlawing the free exercise thereof.

If someone is denied the ability, to say even the Lord’s prayer at a school function, or a group of citizens to have services in a park, by law, it is the manifestation of a State’s oppression against religion, a restriction against peaceable assembly, and a limit on free speech? The atheist is given free reign to express his or her hate of religion openly, in the public square, paid for by government, taught in the government school, and enforced by government fiat and law. That, my friends, is the definition of a State sponsored religion. We follow the road trod by Hitler and Lenin… to the same end.

The Nazis and Bolsheviks had separation of church and state. Nazism was absolutely atheist as are the communists. The Nazis’ first targets were Catholic priests, then the gypsy’s, and finally the Jews. The Communists are antithetical to all religions. Their founding philosophy, that religion is the opium of the people, had in it’s very seed a separation of church and state. They needed religion to be unknown by the people because a religious people are unwilling to cover themselves in the blood of innocents. Slaughtering millions of Gypsy’s, Jews and disabled people is not something a Christian, who follows his religion, would do. Hitler got many of his ideas from American progressives, ideas that are becoming possible in America under separation, once we are divested of our belief in God.

William James philosophy of pragmatism, that an idea that bears good fruit must be good and a philosophy that bears bad fruit must therefore be bad, comes into play in this discussion. We know where those evil empires led humanity. They visited the worst possible atrocities on Mankind, with the mechanized efficiency of an atheist State, despite their short and violent lives. The evil they were, and are, is testament of the evil of the sophist siren call for a separation of church and State.

The progressives have been redefining our Constitution for years. They ignore the wording and meaning changing it to suit their own ideas of what government should be. Their rhetoric that the Constitution is a “living breathing document,” which of course is saying, it means whatever the hell they tell us it does, no matter the wording, common sense, or the description of it in the Federalist papers. It is intolerable for the progressive that we live as we see fit. In their hubris, they see the rest of us as ignorant fools, in need the state to oversee our every action. In the progressive State, the only choice we can have, is the choice to kill our own unborn baby, and soon up to a year old. They seek to control even our religious beliefs. Separation of church and state is the means to that end.

It is the nature of usurpers to pervert that which holds them from arbitrary power. History shows the evil, a State that has no higher authority than it’s own hubris, is capable of. Pragmatism shows us that if something bears malevolent fruit when it is implemented, it is evil itself, proving the badness of separation of church and State. Unless we demand, the US government stops establishing atheism as the State religion, our children will be subject to all the historic evils of communism and Nazism. Such as, abortion on demand, killing people unfit to serve the State, State imposed famine, Wars of acquisition like Drang nach Osten, and State controlled media… among others. Nazism and communism are two nuts from the same burr and both are poison. I reject both along with their philosophy of Separation of Church and State! I demand freedom of religion and freedom of speech!


John Pepin

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