A Civilzation Ending Event

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the suicidally apocalyptic death cult that tyrannizes Iran, getting a functionally deliverable atom bomb, would be a civilization ending event. Those that claim otherwise are either ignorant or too afraid to act. A civilization ending event would necessarily kill billions of people in the short run and another billion or more in the long run. Our societies would collapse along with civilization. But, how could this possibly happen… you ask?

The means would be an Electro Magnetic Pulse weapon (EMP). This weapon kills no one when it goes off. It is detonated far above the target. The people closest would only see a flash most would see and hear nothing. The resulting EMP destroys all electronic equipment within a radius of, potentially, thousands of miles. Everything is destroyed, cars, trucks, the electric grid, refrigerators, televisions, PDAs, Ipods, I-anything, electric motors, and most light bulbs. In one quick flash the people under the EMP zone would be thrust back to the 18th Century.

All the fanatical Iranian Regime needs build are 7 such bombs. Detonate one over… Europe, Russia, between Japan and China, Australia, The West and the East coasts of the US, a conventional nuke on Tel Aviv, and the World would change in an instant. All could be launched from a yacht. People that rely on medicine for their survival would be the first to die. All the machines that make the medicine would be destroyed, around the World, so the supply would be cut off. Transportation would also be destroyed so the remaining quantities would rot in storage while people die who need them. But why would anyone do such a thing?

The despotic fanatically suicidal apocalyptic death cult, that has hegemony over Iran, believe they can hasten the end of time by destroying civilization. It is at the core of their philosophy. Ahmadinejad prays for it every time he speaks to an audience. When the Iranian ballistic missile tests exploded at the apex of their arc, the West claimed it was a failure, but Ahmadinejad laughed and said, it depends on what is success and what is failure. EMPs go off at the apex of the missile’s arc. He and those with him, are of the ilk to strap a bomb on their child’s back, send the child into a crowd, detonate the bomb killing their own child, simply to force their twisted will on others that don’t agree with them. Really, are these the kind of people, that should have atom bombs let alone an EMP weapon?

As World political leaders leer at the bonfire, that is Syria today, they ignore the mortal danger that Iran poses. The centrifuges spin and our Elite dawdle their fingers, as you read this. The Elite would waste no time if you or I posed a threat to their power, but dealing with these people, also poses a threat to their power. Since power is all the Elite seek and worship, power is their motivating and de motivating focus, it sets the boundaries of their actions. But, you might ask, isn’t the threat of World annihilation a larger and more pressing threat to their power?

The Elite are more short sighted than most people. They don’t have to look into the future as you and I do. If they miscalculate they simply raise our taxes, spend more of our money and send our childern to feed the dogs of war. If we miscalculate we go into bankruptsy and indigence. The worse the political Elite perform, however, the more job security they have. There is almost no incentive for the Elite to look ahead, in fact, there is a strong disincentive. Looking into the future and doing something about it is proactive. The relative value of stopping a catastrophe is impossible to quantify. How do you count people that didn’t die? It is counting conjecture and is almost never acceptable. But it is easy to count the 100 million people killed by communism or the 10 million Christians killed by Tamerlane. The immediate cost to the Elite’s power of acting outweighs the distant threat of not acting. Once the World is on fire, due to their dereliction of duty, the Elite have a perfect opportunity to magnify their power.

So the Elite will not act. The tyranny of the insane in Iran, know this, and are counting on it. They have eyes, and saw what happened when North Korea went for and obtained nuclear capabilities… nothing. Our media keeps us in the dark. Those in Russia, China and Europe feel they are safe for now. Iran only poses a threat to the US and Israel. Such stupidity will be rewarded by a civilization ending pop in the sky. Cars will stall and radios will stop. Planes will fall from the sky and people will stand in bewilderment as our civilization crumbles around our ears… Like the Iron and clay it is made from.

But, who knows, maybe the next dark age won’t last a thousand years…


John Pepin

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