Protected Class

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that progressive Elite protect their constituencies while “conservative” Elite allow theirs to be viciously attacked. This has worked well for the progressives and very poorly for conservatives. Yet conservatives continue to allow progressive Elite and those in the unbiased media to attack their base while holding the progressive base totally off limits. Not only does this skew the political discourse but it undermines the people’s ability to make rational and informed decisions about topics that are fundamentally important to all of us.

This is another example of a diabolical means to diabolical ends. As I have stated before in other blogs, the modern progressive has diabolical ends, so he must use diabolical means. What could be more diabolical than to have a “protected” faction(s) within society. Protected from any criticism at all. Yet leveling the most loathsome attacks against the majority of society. Such vicious attacks that people wither away from any association with the despised groups. Even when the despised group is impossible to escape from. Now, how diabolical is that!?

Look at the warrantless and libelous besmirching of the Tea Party. The anti capitalist politicians attack the Tea Party mercilessly. There is no limit to the attacks. The progressive Elite call the Tea Party, racists, anti American, angry, ignorant, etc… without a sound from the supposedly conservative Elite. Often the “conservative” Elite, like Gingrich and Romney, chime right in and attack away at their own base. Attacking the very ideas that flipped the American psyche from the malaise of Carter to the boom times of Regan.

Every poll shows the majority of American people live their lives as conservatives. Meaning, they live within their means, they are dependable and work for a living, they believe in God, equality under the law and give to charity. These are the traditional capitalist, or bourgeois, virtues. Most Americans believe their government has grown too large and have an aversion to abortion. In short, most Americans, are Tea Partiers. Yet there is absolutely no word spoken, about the Tea Party, by the progressive Elite, that is not dripping with venom.

Imagine for a moment how the progressive Elite would react if a “conservative” politician called one of the progressive Elite’s constituencies, angry, ignorant, racist or any of the other attacks levels at the Tea Party. The reaction of all the political Elite would be deafening as would be the unbiased media. It is as simple as this; any “conservative” politician who made such a blunder, would never hold public office again, and would eventually resign in shame. Chased from office by the progressive Elite.

I have already answered why, the “conservative” political Elite keep the progressive Elite’s factions off limits… political suicide. But I am still wondering why those, that supposedly are supported by the Tea Party, have no stomach to run an illiberal from office? If not the stomach for that why not even a word of that they are offended? I am offended, and I am sure most people with their eyes open, are. How can it not be offensive to make slanderous remarks, that are not only patently untrue but verifiably untrue, against the majority of Americans? Remember the racial remark that a congressman claimed was made but when numerous recordings of the event were examined not a bit of it was found. Was the lying congressman attacked, no, the Tea Party was… because, even if no one said it, they must have thought it.

So, the progressive Elite are using diabolical means, ie, attacking regular Americans, while protecting their base from attack, yet the “conservative” political Elite allow them to get away with it. No matter that, the majority of Americans actually fall into the vilified category, the unbiased media and the “conservative” Elite have no problem with the tactic. The “conservative” Elite even go along, with the destruction of one of their fellows, if he should make an offhand remark about an election, decades ago to appease an old man. Yet stand arm in arm with a congressman who was caught with cold cash for bribery. It almost seems as though the hard working American is the real enemy to all the Elite. I would say that… except for the screwing the Elite are giving the retirees.

Makes you wonder, what side the Elite are on… But it would be insanity to police the Elite, like with a NUMA, or something.


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