Dichotomy in American Society

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that there is an interesting dichotomy in American society. That dichotomy is; the Elite want to creep in a socialist totalitarian World government to cement their place in society at the top, but the people want to go back to Constitutional government and free markets, to allow for class mobility. The Elite must use underhanded and diabolical means to their ends because their ends are underhanded and diabolical. Why should they care that the pie will get ever smaller? They will have almost all of it.

The rhetoric of the anti capitalists has changed. They are openly calling for socialism today. The new nationalism speech Obama gave, the day before Pearl Harbor Day, was quite startling. Claiming that people seek the middle class? No one tells their child to seek the middle class in America! In America you tell your kids they can get rich if they work hard and keep at it. The average millionaire has gone bankrupt seven times… and so forth. Lowering expectations, is one of the things people who seek to lower the lot of Man, do.

Another thing Obama claimed, that floored me, was that the worst times in the last century were the times GDP grew the fastest! What an idiot I thought. But then I thought about it some more. Of course, Obama’s words were absolutely counter to reality, but, they had rhetorical value. Some people are enormously gullible and will believe it, because the President said it. Regardless of their own experiences. As the saying goes, “who are you going to believe, your lying eyes… or Obama?”

When a party seeks diabolical ends it is incumbent upon them to use diabolical means. Lying about history is only one such method, another is to personally destroy anyone who stands against you. It is not sufficient to meet them in the battle of ideas because the fiends ideas are diabolical. So the fiend must always destroy their opponent, before it gets to the arena of ideas, otherwise the fiend looses.

Of course the diabolist also fills the media with spurious and sophist arguments. All to keep the public unaware of what the conversation is really about. Today the old standby is being called out of the bullpen… class warfare. The sophistry of class warfare is everywhere today. The mindless rhetoric about fairness saturates the media. The thing I can’t help but notice about “fairness” however, is that even though Obama has willing idiots in the press he also has other members of the Elite calling for higher taxes on themselves, or they seem to, but the reality is, they (Buffet), are fighting the taxes they owe today! This my friends is a state of absolute hypocrisy. No run of the mill hypocrisy but absolute hypocrisy! You and I are the target of the higher taxes, don’t kid yourself. When a millionaire stands in front of you, and claims he is going to hurt the rich, don’t believe it, to hurt the rich they must necessarily hurt themselves, because they are rich, and that is not something a normal human being will do. So it must be a falsehood.

All these tactics are not only being used by the Elite but are out in the open for everyone to see! They are open about their goals now. Shackling the market in a planned economy. The Elite know the unbiased media have no interest in telling the truth. The unbiased media figure if they go along they will get a good gig in the fundamentally changed order. Maybe some will but most will be eliminated. By whatever means is expeditious- read history.

While the push from the masses is for a more free and more open country… More capitalism and more opportunity is what the masses seek. And even as we seek a candidate who has the same core values as us, the unbiased media claim, anyone who does, is unelectable. Presumably, because I will not vote for a candidate who I agree with, only for one I disagree with. Once the Elite get two progressives in it’s time pick a jersey. Some root for the reds and some for the blues, but the truth is, they are all on the same team. This is possibly the most diabolical method the Elite use. Romney has admitted he is a PROGRESSIVE and so has Gingrich by saying FDR is his favorite President! (I presume he will rule like FDR). They are the front runners, we can pick from one of them, the unbiased media personally destroyed the three conservative candidates, they are unelectable after all… At this time, the unbiased media tell us it is down to communist Obama, progressive Gingrich or progressive Romney. (No one else is electable).

So, here we are, the Elite want to move the country and the World in one direction and the people want to move it in another. We the people want free markets and freedom but the Elite want a World socialist government. There are laws on the books, forbidding a company from misrepresenting their products, wouldn’t it be nice to have a NUMA, it would hold the Elite to that law as well.

You know, a President of the US, claiming that markets have never worked, standing in the most prosperous country the World has ever seen, all based on the market system, is one of the most stupid things a President could ever say, almost as stupid as, a candidate for President of the US, not knowing how many States are in it. But a truly unbiased media would shout such idiocy to the heavens…


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