Fall of Moammar

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that the killing and subsequent downfall of Libyan dictator, Moammar Kaddafi, will be a very bad thing for US foreign policy and World stability, in the long run. While nothing could be truer than the fact that Moammar deserved it, the facts surrounding his killing, are an omen of things to come. But if we are self interested, we will take heed not only at what happens tomorrow, but the eventual outcome. This will show the wisdom of what I have said here today so that maybe World War can be avoided in the future.

I thought the lesson of the Iraq War, was that it is easy to knock out a dictator, but hard to win the “peace.” If that was the lesson, (I certainly learned it), then it has been forgotten quickly. In the case of Iraq, the US had tens of thousands of boots on the ground, to ensure the “peace” would turn out in a way favorable to World stability. Even so there were politicians who openly chided that the Iraq war was un-winnable. Well, we won the un-winnable, even Obama admits it… now.

But in the case of Libya, the US has no boots on the ground, to ensure an outcome that is favorable to the Libyan people, US foreign interests and World stability. Remember that in Iraq, even with tens of thousands of soldiers there, it was a close call. It was only once the Iraqi people’s thirst for blood had been sated did the war end. The US had to await that outcome to win. In Libya there is no such stabilizing force. The Libyan people’s thirst for blood will only be whetted by killing Moammar.

Messages are important too. Moammar was the only Dictator that openly gave up his nuclear, biological and chemical weapons (WMD). He showed the UN how the AQ Khan proliferation network gave him nuclear technology and put his WMD under UN supervision. The message to dictators the World over is not to give up their nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Doing so will buy you no UN favor and open you up to invasion and a humiliating death. Don’t think for a moment, that this message has not been understood, loud and clear, by other tyrants the World over.

With no neutral forces in place, to protect those that disagree with the Islamo fascists, the liberals will soon be killed or shut up. This will allow the Islamo Fascists, the ability to have total control over a much larger population, that may or may not agree with them. However, I suspect a large and growing majority does indeed agree with the Islamo Fascists, in Libya as well as in Egypt and Tunisia. This will inevitably result, in the Islamo Fascists getting total power, in what was, formerly, Libya.

The Islamo Fascists, have as their first order of business, to restore the Caliphate. They would love to have their capital Istanbul, (formerly Constantinople), but they will settle for any Islamic City until Istanbul is captured. With the elections in Tunisia clearly turning to Islamo Fascist parties into power, that Libyan neighbor will soon join the growing Caliphate, as well as Egypt, (being the seat of the Muslim Brotherhood). The very premise of the Muslim brotherhood is to reestablish the Caliphate or Khalipha. Overthrowing Moammar, will result in the combination of these three North African powers, into a new Caliphate, which will then launch into a war of expansion. (This is the best case scenario that I envision. Worst case would be if all of the Middle East Countries fall and join).

We already know of shoulder fired anti aircraft weapons disappearing. Once the Libyan, Egyptian and Tunisian stockpiles of WMD become part of the spoils of war, they will be quickly turned against the Two Satans, Large and Small, as well as, to further enlarge the new empire.

It is a self evident fact, that a major war of expansion, would destabilize the World. It could and probably would pull in other countries. The war and bloodshed would let loose Ares’ dogs, famine and disease, into the regions effected, and the cost to the World economy, due to higher energy prices would be huge. This one political blunder will give us a decade of human misery at the least.

Taken in the aggregate these results will lead to a very unfavorable outcome for humanity. The results could have been avoided but for the lack of wisdom of out political leaders. As I have shown, they are as easy to predict, as that the Sun will rise on the morn. No matter the message it sends to other tyrants, the soon to be missing WMD, and the new wars of aggression that will result. This lack of wisdom is being cheered, but that very applause, will have terrible cost, with of rivers of tears, from grieving parents, at their loss. That is the real toll of foolish foreign policy. The human cost; paid in blood, tears and suffering.

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