Fall of Libya

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, that people who are celebrating the downfall of Muammar, are foolish as they are ignorant. Muammar was nothing but, a glistening turd, freshly dropped from a dog’s ass, a ruthless tyrant, some say was clinically insane and perpetrated many evils on the people of Libya and Lockerby Scotland. But none the less, his overthrow will lead to much more chaos and bloodshed in the World, than if he had been allowed to stay. Glistening the whole time.

The most important reason it is stupidity incarnate to have toppled him is the message it sends to other Middle East Tyrants and tyrants the World over. Muammar, the glistened, was the only tyrant on the planet to actively give up his nuclear weapons program, put his chemical and biological weapons under UN supervision and pledged to the Non Proliferation Treaty. That is why Bush renewed diplomatic relations with Libya.

Now look at Obama’s reaction, to Syrian president for life, Bashar’s, killing of scores of his people. Only now, after months of bloodletting, has Obama applied any really stinging rhetoric to the situation. Syria sits in quiet comfort, that Obama will not attack unless Bashar is as stupid and ignorant as was Muammar… and publicly give up nuclear weapons. Remember the plant the Israelis shot up in the desert? It was quickly and quietly disassembled and stolen away before any International observers could get there.

What was Obama’s reaction to the uprisings in Iran, the country that is most openly in violation of the nonproliferation treaty. Iran has an ongoing ICBM program, medium and short range missile programs; with a focus on attaching a nuclear warhead as the payload. Iran was supposed to conduct an underground nuclear test with North Korea, (who sits safe from invasion or bombing in the knowledge of having a tested a nuclear weapon), but was supposedly postponed by the Japan Earthquake and openly threatens it’s neighbor with annihilation and tacitly the rest? Obama’s reaction was that the people should remain calm… in Iran.

When Iran tracked dissidents even into Europe and the US, threatening their relatives with torture and execution to keep them quiet, there was a resounding silence from the Obama administration. But when Riots erupted in Egypt however Obama was quick to call for Hosni to step down. Hosni did, and the violence has escalated, with the Moslem Brotherhood now in firm control of the military. Lately we hear of widespread calls for the annulling of Carter’s Peace Treaty with Israel in Egypt.

What message does all this send to all the other tyrants around the World? Keep your nuclear weapon program active, if you don’t have one, get one going, it is the only protection from the US military. Muammar gave them up and was being bombed within six years. Iran didn’t and is caressed by the Obama administration. Egypt was at peace and was overthrown by Obama and an anti Israeli regime set up.

Libya has been fighting a sixteen year Islamic rebellion. If, Muammar the glistened, couldn’t put it down, it must have deep root within Libyan society. Deep roots are what allow perennials to get a head start on annuals in the garden. Deep roots allow plants, that have them, to weather droughts and store up better from rain. It will be those deep roots that will give the Islamic radicals in Libya the upper hand in the upcoming political struggle. Well, that, along with their absolute disinterest the weak emotion of compassion.

Now that the US and NATO, have delivered Libya and Egypt into the hands of Islamic radicals and the tyrant of Syria wavering, the vultures of the World community are circling. All hoping to get a small bite before the Islamic radicals take over the carcass. Of course the Islamic radicals will stop there. They have no expansionistic intentions. No, they only want to live under Sharia… well them and everyone else the World over. All help along with your tax dollar, Euro, Pound, Dinar…

Yea, keep setting up pernicious incentives for tyrants. No way that could go wrong. Make it against their interests to give up nuclear weapons. Demonstrate it in Libya and then stand in bewilderment at the fact that every tyrant in the World runs to them as fast as they can. So yea, I call it stupidly ignorant to cheer at such idiocy! What help, to carefully remove a glistening turd that has been stepped on, from atop a pile, a mile deep, of glistening turds?

But, if actions be the true measure of a men’s intentions and rhetoric a mere reflection on a cave wall, then the intentions of the Obama administration and the leaders of the European Union are clear. If sociopathic…

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