Anti Capitalist Elite and Rhetoric

Dear Friends

It seems to me, the most detested self evident right, of all Elite, is freedom of speech. No other right is as loathed as the public’s ability, in some nations, to freely speak negatively of their rulers. The Elite want to work in darkness… like mold. The light of public discourse is withering to them, so they seek at every turn, to undermine the right to free speech.

The Elite love Human Rights that require the Elite to extract property, at the point of a gun, from others in society. These, non self evident rights, empower the Elite to do what they want to do anyway… Tax and spend. Think of it this way. If your neighbor had the legal right, to spend an unlimited amount of money in your name, only subject to his or her whim, and can spend the money freely on themselves, how deeply in debt would they put you, how deeply in debt would you put them? How much more egregious, would you or they be, if the spending was done in the dark?

To get at free speech however, the Elite will cross any bridge, and then turn and burn it. Take the tragic shooting of the Congress woman in Arizona. The Anti capitalist faction of the Elite are trying to use this episode for political gain. Crass and despicable as it may be, they seek to use this tragedy, to narrow political discourse into channels they find more appealing. Decrying the vitriol of those that seek liberty while ignoring the vitriol of those that seek tyranny.

No way that could be a bad thing. Quieting the discourse of those that seek to limit the power of government, and allowing the most hateful vitriol to go unchallenged, must be a good thing? Have people forgotten the names the anti capitalists, including Obama himself, called George W. Bush? The books written and published how to kill Bush, the constant drum beat of hateful rhetoric against the man? I ask you, is this acceptable political discourse… It is if it comes from anti capitalists.

Yet they use the lone gunmen to paint whole swaths of society. Anyone who disagrees with the future tyrant, is disturbing the order of society, by inciting violence. But when the Communist calls for violent revolution in front of a crowd of believers he is given a place in the Executive Branch. Van Jones rhetoric must not be dangerous, but if it is pointed out that the new health care law will necessarily give rise to panels of people who will have the power of life and death, people will rise up and bomb abortion clinics. The anti capitalist, intentionally twists cause and effect, to undermine the ability of us to speak freely among ourselves.

Yet the anti capitalist faction of the American Elite claimed that when Major Malik Nadal Hasan opened up and started shooting yelling “Abu Akbar” it was the act of a lone gunman. Seriously, if the nut job who shot Arizona Congresswoman Giffords, had announced he was doing it for some right wing organization, would it still get as soft pedaled as the clearly anti American Fart Hood shooting was by the anti capitalist Elite? Yet the President has no problem with the rhetoric coming from violent Jihad originations? Why is that?

The other self evident right, the anti capitalist Elite hate, is the absolute right of self defense. The Right of self defense gives rise to the American Constitutional Right to keeps and Bear Arms. The Elite see this as a threat to the State’s absolute monopoly on violence. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is another right that will be attacked by the anti capitalist Elite in the coming days. The anti capitalist Elite want people to be dependant. The Right to self defense makes people independent. Independent people have little need of “help” from government, ergo they generate little need for the Elite to tax and spend, their favorite activity.

So we can clearly see, that the right to free speech and the right to keep and bear arms interferes with the anti capitalist Elite’s favorite activities… pillaging the money and property and raping the rights of their serfs. To answer a question I posed earlier, there is no level of debt that another will not put you or I in, if he or she can with no consequence. I am no better than your neighbor, or you, so why do people think, those who have proven themselves to be selfish, greedy and despicable, in every way… to be more virtuous than you or I?

Because people who lie constantly say they are?

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