Who Should Rule?

Dear Reader,

It seems to me that one possible way of grouping people would be, group A would be people who thrive on conflict, group B would be people who are ambivalent to conflict, and group C would be people who detest conflict.

Clearly, group A would not, at first glance, appear to be suited for governance. However upon closer examination, Politics is nothing but conflict. Conflict with other parties, conflict with the people, conflict within the party, and international conflict. Only a person inured to struggle ever gets to a seat of power. Those who are thrive on conflict, and have a thirst for dominion over society will naturally be drawn to that power. Their enjoyment of conflict will quickly inure them to the struggle, that is politics.

When one enjoys a thing, one is good at the thing enjoyed. A person who has a real enjoyment of conflict will naturally be good at it. Giving the A group person a leg up in any struggle. The dross floats to the top. They will naturally get the power they so desire.

Group B people to whom conflict is neither enjoyable nor loathsome and are drawn to dominion over others will take longer to become inured with the amount of struggle it takes to get a seat of power. They will have a leg up in that they will be better at facilitating rectification. Some will persevere but most will fall aside upon finding a better avenue for their talents.

Group C people who are draw to dominion over society must avoid politics. Those who don’t quickly learn the truth of the statement that, politics are nothing but conflict. They chafe at the struggle and must find another avenue for their interest.

Therefore we can safely conclude that most people who are in positions of power in our government and other governments, are group A people. But, are they the best people for the job?

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