Financial Meltdown

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that I heard on NPR’s Morning Edition last spring that some woman, I don’t know where, had bought a house at some high price and now that the market for her house has decreased she had stopped payments and is putting the money away for a new house after she is finally ejected from hers.

That is out and out fraud! She can make the payments but chooses not to because it will benefit her financially. By taking this course of action she is screwing over, all her neighbors, the stockholders in the bank she got her loan from, and society in general. Not only that but she was totally unabashed about it.

But, what can we expect? She was only taking her cue, or marching orders from her betters in Washington. Charlie Rangel apparently owes the IRS for $70,000 (seventy thousand dollars)? We’ll see what sort of punishment will be meted out to him for it. I remember a man and a woman in New Hampshire last year that didn’t pay the IRS, (probably for less than $70,000). They were surrounded in their house at gunpoint. Federal agents with sniping rifles aimed at them day and night. In the end they went to jail. Them and everyone they knew who admitted to being their friend. Well we’ll see how Charlie…

So with Washington being so totally corrupt why should we expect better behavior from the people? We are only a reflection of the elite. When we see the elite so totally unabashedly corrupt, saying things like “There is no overriding legal authority.” Calling place in a legal matter. What are we to assume is the norm for behavior?

Where will this eventually lead?

Perhaps to a financial meltdown?

Oh wait…it has.

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