Adam Smith and Recent Chinese history… on the American Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that Adam Smith once said;

“The statesman, who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, [money], would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatsoever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.”

The wisdom of this single statement is profound. What Adam Smith is saying is that government officials cannot be trusted to control private money. Their self interests will get in the way. He goes on to say that to do so is even dangerous of liberty. We have seen over and over the prophetic nature of this quote.

Today we see China… the first Maoist State. It has entered the world economic stage as a Capitalist nation. The Middle Kingdom is becoming a world superpower. Exactly because the autocratic government there has let the Chinese people have use of their own capital.

China has come from a total communist state with rampant starvation to a wealthy industrial powerhouse. This immense change couldn’t have happened, had the Chinese government, that had been steeped in communist ideology, not woken up and released their grip… and let the people control their own money.

After all isn’t money simply a convenient representation of work? You exchange units of work value for other units of work value. In this exchange both interests are raised. The communist government of China woke up to this fact, and, with great courage they changed paths.

This change in paths has resulted in the greatest rise in the standard of living of mankind in the shortest time ever.  All by letting people do what they want with their own money. Simply because a government let up it’s grip on the people…

No one hear is saying China has no problems with it’s government… Far be it from me. The rise in it’s militaristic attitude, It’s quashing of free speech, Tiananmen Square the list goes on and on. No… the government in China is totalitarian. Nevertheless, it has made some good choices… it has allowed the free market to work. The consequences of this cannot be denied.

We see what a great man once said… and we see the evidence of his clairvoyance in front of out eyes. Yet the Elite in America claim that capitalism is dead. Like Nietzsche claiming God is dead. The claim presupposes the consequence but the consequence makes the claim impossible… making them both an impossibility.

To what end are they uttering such an absurdity? To lay claim to more and more of the people’s capital. The Elite seem to think that there is no level of taxation and intrusion that is too much. The healthcare intrusion’s effects haven’t even been felt by most people and the Elite want to forge ahead with their plan to; Cap and trade, raise taxes, increase regulation of every sector of the economy, etc…

With the undeniable evidence of China… Why are the American Elite, engaging in this… taking of the people’s economic sovereignty? Or “direct(ing) private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals“, as Adam Smith Said it…

Abraham Lincoln once claimed in a debate; that he didn’t need to be told that a house was being built… He could tell, simply by looking… I bet most people can. But they have to open their eyes and look.

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