The Oligarchy and the Upstart

Dear Friends,

It seems to me…

There was once a nation that was ruled by two utterly corrupt political parties. That nation had been born in virtue and now became awash in vice. The political elite had it great though, they passed laws that didn’t apply to themselves, created slush funds to pay for anything they wanted and even broke the universal laws with impunity. So pervasive was their corruption it had oozed to the very bottom of the bureaucracy. The nation had become an oligarchy in all but name. One of the chief means the elite used to get their power was through factionalization and dependency of the electorate. Once some arbitrarily defined group became dependent, they could be relied on to vote against common sense every time, just threaten their government check. The national debt grew and grew, while so did crime, racial tensions, the militarization of the police and a seething underclass of illegal immigrants. Then something came along that threatened to spoil their soiree.

The new class elite, that made up the intelligentsia of both political parties had made their pick in the next election for executive, and all they needed was a challenger. Someone strong enough to get a few votes, but certainly not strong enough to get close… To face the corrupt elite’s choice, a woman, capable of finalizing the break from the nation’s founding principles, and joining a glorious thousand year new world order. A new system where the masses would have their lives benevolently controlled by government administrators. The administrators would be chosen, as much for their political ideology as their university credentials, which in that nation were highly correlated anyway, to insure they would continue to be politically correct in their abuse of power. She was the perfect tool for the corrupt to exploit against the nation’s Constitution and her people.

Then, out of nowhere, a stumbling stone. A crazy half witted Marxist, who had never held a real job in his life, drunk on the wealth he had derived from political office, (since he had been on welfare when elected), challenged the queen and was on a path to win! The epitome of the man Harry Truman referenced in his famous phrase, “Anyone who gets rich in politics is a God damned crook!” Apparently, the masses had recognized how crooked the queen really was, (since she had got even richer in government than the Marxist), so much so that the people in her own faction tried to choose that crooked half wit, over her crookedness. If not for the machinations of party stalwarts, the elite’s choice might have been knocked out in the first round! Fortunately, she was in the more corrupt of the two parties, and so the choice of the elite seized the prize, and the people’s choice had to settle for another mansion on the lake and a super car.

The other corrupt party had their choice, a milk toast who came from a long line of milk toast executives, that could be relied on to say one thing and mean another, which met the corrupt elite’s purposes perfectly. His family had even stumbled the nation into wars, which the deep state loved as it gave them even more power. Again, out of nowhere, came an upstart! Not just one but three. People who didn’t have any of the right credentials, and worst of all, actually wanted to change course! Obviously, the corrupt elements of government, the deep state (bureaucracy) and their bootlicks, simply couldn’t let that stand! So, the elite chose the one they thought they could destroy the fastest in the general… and gave him rope to hang himself, to their amazement, he tied them up with that rope! The other two, the media in the pocket of the corrupt elite, destroyed, as best they could. Once the general came, the elite had the election they wanted. Their choice, the queen, versus a buffoon they could burn down with two sticks.

To the shock and horror of the elite however, the buffoon stayed in the game and even had a path to victory! So the corruption that permeated every corner of government went to work. Those wealthy that had “supported” the upstart’s party changed and supported the elite’s choice. The media came out as a unit to destroy him and the deep state grasped for any reason to investigate him. The queen’s party even paid a rival nation, to write a fictitious document to sway the election, implicating the upstart as colluding with the rival nation to sway the election. Both the elite’s choice and the rival nation had aligned interests, because they had colluded a few years earlier to transfer ownership and thus control of uranium, from the treasonous queen’s nation, to the rival’s.

Imagine the dismay in the ranks of the corrupt elite, that despite all their vote fraud and full control of the legacy media, the upstart won! They immediately used the dossier, paid for by the elite’s choice, the would be queen, and written largely by a rival nation to sway the election, to get a special prosecutor to meet the upstart at the door to the executive offices. This special prosecutors office, stacked with people who openly avowed hate and loathing for the upstart and who had protected the queen in an earlier investigation, begin investigating every act of anyone in any way, connected with the upstart… as their bootlicks buy accusers. Meanwhile, the upstart commences… getting some of the most corrupt elements out of government, ridding the laws of needless regulations, the economy begins rolling again, pushes to lower taxes, stymieing the world’s dictators who had been encouraged by the last administration to acquire nuclear weapons from continuing, as people get off welfare rolls and onto employee rolls…

With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, the story isn’t over… we’ll have to wait and see how it ends.


John Pepin

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