Oppression Theory

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, oppressors have managed to convince many of us that oppression today, is the answer to oppression yesterday. The logic goes something like this, since group A was oppressed in the past, group B who oppressed them are always oppressors, while group A are always the oppressed. The oppression is usually race or economically defined, but oppressors always define a group as permanent oppressors, and other groups as permanently oppressed. This perversion of logic has served to motivate millions of people to help oppressors and would be oppressors, even laying down their lives to establish oppression, the very thing they so loathe! Simple, unambiguous logic dictates that… to eliminate oppression, one must eliminate oppression.

The progressive elite have established white people, no matter what actual race that has white skin one comes from, as the perpetual oppressors. Meanwhile, they have established in the cultural zeitgeist, the idea that people of every other colored skin, are the permanently oppressed. This is why when, even a man of Mixed descent shoots a hood attacking him, is called a “White Hispanic” by the totality of the media, people don’t even blink. No one noticed that the primary attribute the press put on the man defending himself, was the color of his skin, even though his grandfather was of African descent… to put Zimmerman in the oppressor category, and to forward their political slant on the story.

We have swam in the cesspool of oppression theory so long that we don’t even notice our own smell. Of course the logic of defining any group of people into any category, let alone a permanent oppressor class, is not just absurd it is diabolical. The children cannot be held liable for the sins of their parents, let alone the great great grandchildren. To define any human being by an arbitrary attribute, like skin color is in and of itself, the act of an oppressor. That is what oppressors do, they define us into groups then pit us against each other, riding astride us, directing the carnage to their amusement.

Defining one group as a permanent oppressor is very convenient. The definition oozes into the zeitgeist over time and become like Pavlovian reaction. You react without thinking. This makes controlling people much easier. Want the masses to hate A? Make A the oppressor and people will kill and die to destroy it. Enrage people by saying, it is a matter of life and death that A be defeated, and people will pick up guns and shoot congressmen who they see as threatening their very lives. Violence becomes normalized, against the permanent oppressor class, and becomes normal.

Moreover, all human beings are both oppressors and the oppressed, depending on many definitions of who and what is oppressed. There is not one among us who cannot name a time or place they were oppressed, by someone or situation, and if brutally honest, any of us could name a dozen times we oppressed another. Even parents oppress children as children oppress their parents. To define any group that clearly is both oppressed and the oppressor, depending on a multitude of factors, as permanent oppressors is absurd… there can only be an aggregate approximation rather than an empirical determination. I am as guilty as you, if only we admit it to ourselves, like civilized people, we could move beyond oppression theory, and the violence and even oppression served by it, to a more human hearted concept.

First we must learn to recognize when we are being plied with oppression theory… then react against it. We must be utterly intolerant of oppression theory ever sniffing the air for the fetid odor of it. Not everyone has to act but all that need act are a few. Call out oppressors, by writing scathing letters and comments, showing how oppression theory was used in articles that use it, and why it is violent. Do our very best to stop being oppressive to others even as we demand others do not oppress us. Use the term oppression, and define its utility to oppressors, as it is the only word progressives understand. Society and culture is only changed by an intolerant minority, the time for our tolerance of nonsense has passed, the time has come for logic and common sense to take control, we must stop the would be oppressors… who would use oppression theory to attain our oppression!


John Pepin

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