The Phantasm of Progressivism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if I brought a rabid fox into my home and it bit my child… it would not be the fox’s fault. Common sense is a thing not practiced today. Perhaps because it goes against the prevailing paradigm of stupidity, or maybe because our children have been “educated” in the government monopoly school system, where common sense is replaced with common core. No matter, the complete lack of common sense in society today, can only lead to disaster. Stupid actions have consequences. Our leaders today are like the actors in those movies Jackass. The only difference is that instead of doing idiotic things to themselves, they do those idiotic (and painful) things to us, then cry how awful it is that the rabid fox, they brought into the home, bit one of us!

If someone gave you a bowl of dry rice and said a few random kernels will give you blinding stomach pain and perhaps death… how many would you eat? Common sense would say not to eat any… but that would not be progressive now would it? A progressive however would take some and eat just to be friendly and prove he or she is inclusive and tolerant. Meanwhile, a conservative or libertarian would eschew all of them, because there is no way to separate the deadly kernels of rice from the edible ones. What if you were told some of the edible rice could turn toxic at any moment? Would that make you more or less likely to eat a handful? What if the person offering the poisoned rice to you called you a hater because you refuse to accept it? Would you then eat it all just to prove you are not a hater? That would be progressive.

Progressivism and common sense have been at loggerheads since the invention of progressivism. Progressives and their core philosophy, the Frankfurt School, are dedicated to overturning reality in favor of fantasy. In their fantasy world water doesn’t wet and fire does not burn. A progressive would rather a child dies slowly and horribly of poisoned rice than allow the parent’s common sense. You see, progressives seek utopia, which in Greek means nowhere, they see nowhere as a place they can create from their fantasies and desires, a place that meets all of their expectations and excludes anything they dislike. Their utopia is a place where the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, unless they prefer it to rise in the north… Progressivism teaches that a house’s roof, if properly constructed, can hold the rest of the house six inches off the ground.

Progressives believe that power comes at the end of a gun, and even as they demand we allow them theirs… they seek to take ours away. Since they believe guns are power and seek to take ours from us they must therefore be seeking to remove power from us. Even as they do everything in their power to allow those who have vociferously exclaimed they will kill us, to have a monopoly on weapons. They want us to believe that if only we allow those who have pledged to slaughter us to be able to slaughter us, those evil men will be so enamored with out fairness and open mindedness, they will abandon their religious edict to slaughter us and force us to feel subdued. Someone with common sense however, will realize that those who have pledged their lives to Lucifer, (by any other name), and seek the destruction of all that is good in the world, will never give up that goal… especially if they have the guns and therefore the power.

Once a child is bitten and rushed to the hospital, for rabies shots through the stomach and into the spine, it would be prudent to remove the foxes from the house. That type of common sense however is rejected by progressives in favor of their fantasy world. Their version, common core, is the manifestation of a delusion that flies in the face of reality, where freedom is slavery, war is peace, ignorance is strength, and strength through joy. Fantasy is easy to believe when others suffer the very real consequences. Progressives are not burned when they put our hands in the fire, nor are they soaked when they toss us in the ocean. Progressives do not suffer the loss of a parent who has to bury their child for going to a concert… because theirs are protected by fences, guards and armies. They can cling to their phantasm… a world where water no longer wets and fire no longer burns, because we are the ones burned and soaked.


John Pepin

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