Progressives, the American Fascist Party

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressive party is, and always has been… the American Fascist party. To reliably tell what a party is, you must look at their platforms and stances, not their empty rhetoric. The platform of the American progressives, of the early twentieth century, matched almost perfectly the platforms of the National Socialist party in Germany at the time. Today the progressives look back to their racist, hate filled, violent, nationalistic and outright evil past, with great warmth. They have not changed a whit. Progressives are still filled with hate, just ask them what they hate, and the diatribe will last all day if you let it, they are overtly racist just aiming at a different race for their hate, just ask them what they feel about Whites, they are still violent, a look at the Berkeley protests and riots after Trump won the election prove this true, and they are more evil than ever, simply examine their unlimited support for abortion, infanticide and glee in killing old people. Progressives are the same they have always been… fascists in everything but name.

The fascists introduced nationalized healthcare to Europe and the long term goal of progressives is to bring single payer to the US. When the Netherlands fell to Nazi Germany the Germans instituted nationalized healthcare for the masses. Hitler was a big supporter of socialism although he hated Soviet Marxism. Nazi Germany introduced dozens of socialistic reforms of the Wiemar economy. They went through the insane asylums and slaughtered most of the people there, for their own good, of course. The Nazis burned books they disagreed with and banned those they couldn’t get their hands on. Speakers at universities had to pass a political test to be able to speak. Moreover it was Kristallnacht that summed up the German progressive party.

Modern progressives hate one group more than all others, the Jews. Oh yes, they hate anyone of European descent, and have a special place in their black hearts for Christians, but it is the Jews that they loathe. Every progressive seeks the extermination of the Jews. You hear it every time they speak of Israel. Demanding the Israelis give up this land or that wall for a peace that will never come, progressives are manipulating the Israelis, into harming themselves. Progressive leaders, being psychopaths have no morals, that is why they embrace moral relativism. To them morality is a thing foreign, something to be attacked and destroyed as it stands directly in their way.

Censorship is a sacrament to progressives just as it was to the Nazi party. Progressives cannot tolerate anyone’s’ point of view if it in any way conflicts with their own. Being insecure, they see discussion as a threat, which it is to them. That is why they riot when a conservative speaker tries to give a talk at a university. They demand we listen to them, and not only tolerate their views, but support and pay for them as well, even as they refuse to allow anyone else the same dignity of tolerance they demand from others. Progressives must be insecure because of people actually understood who progressives are and what they really stand for, the progressive party would have to go underground for another century.

Progressives are war mongers, but progressives only desire a permanent state of war, to forward their plans of total domination. Look at who is the loudest calling for war with Russia, China, North Korea and Syria. Progressives seek to exploit war to create the conditions where we will demand they take more power from us, for our own good of course. The Nazis understood and wanted a permanent state of war as a means to strengthen the German people and evolve them into supermen. Progressives seek a permanent state of war as a problem, which creates a reaction, then the people will demand the solution we wouldn’t have stood for before the problem.

The most telling way to know that progressives are the modern version of fascists is their philosophy matches perfectly with that of the Nazis. Progressives follow the Frankfurt school of thought as did the Nazis. The Frankfurt school is based on the philosophy of Nietzsche, Freud, Darwin and Marx. The Nazis sought to evolve the German people through violence, as Nietzsche urged, just as the progressives today laud and protect violent criminals, both of which are right out of, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Charles Darwin’s, The Origin of Species. Both the Nazis and progressives believe in manipulating people using psychology ala Freud. Socialism is the economic theory of both the Nazis and progressives, class warfare is another of their platforms as is the destruction of the moneyed class, the only way both progressives and the Nazis reject Marx, is in the inevitability of the socialist revolution.

In every way, progressives and the National Socialist party are alike. They have the same ideologies, hatreds, desire to censor others, the love of killing, desire for total domination and overt violence. Hitler praised the American progressive party and even adopted their ideas for eugenics in his plan for a super race. Progressives and Nazis draw supporters from the same crowd of people as Marxists. They both even wear black as their uniforms, the Nazi SS uniforms were pretty snazzy, and I bet given time and power, the progressives would come out with black uniforms, with a deaths head on them, that are just as sharp looking. So when a progressive points a finger at another, and call them Fascists or Nazis, it is mere rhetoric, they are trying to throw the rest of us off who progressives really are… Fascists in all but name.


John Pepin

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