Respect and Admiration are Earned, As is Disrespect…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if you don’t want your name sullied, don’t sully it yourself. Even as we are warned not to criticize the Judiciary, they have openly abandoned the law, precedent and our Constitution to make pie in the sky political points. The media is just as bad, that they have taken sides is no longer debatable, yet they still cling to the tired mantra of unbiased journalism. Both institutions used to have great respect in the US and world wide, but they have so damaged their own reputations they have become a standing joke. In the movie, My Name is Nobody, Nobody is challenged to a gun fight, his response is the best line in that movie, and speaks volumes about common sense and the profound lack of it in our society. Nobody said, “If you want to live a long life, it’s best not to try and shorten it.” The humor comes from the fact it is so obviously true yet is so often ignored. The court system and legacy media could learn a thing or two from that line. What makes this so bad for us and our children is that those institutions need to be there and need to do their jobs, else our economy, liberty and even civilization itself is jeopardized. Unfortunately the reputations of those once highly regarded institutions is beyond repair.

The media is so openly biased today they have given up all pretense. The open weeping of some “journalists” on election night was as clear as air. The incessantly biased reporting since that night has only strengthened their bias in the minds of everyone. Even progressives know in their hearts that the media cannot be trusted. Yet the legacy media has launched a broadside against the new media, that for all it’s flaws is the only source of actual information, by calling them “fake news.” Meanwhile, the media is caught daily reporting falsehoods, and lies by omission. No person or organization could have so sullied the name of the media as badly as they have done themselves. They have only themselves to blame for their permanently tarnished reputations.

The court system has for years practiced arbitrary rule. Ask any lawyer, “If person A is in the right and person B is in the wrong, but person B has an attorney and person A is Pro Se… who will win?” Every lawyer you ask will avow in no uncertain terms, Person B who has the lawyer, of course. When you further explain they have just indicted the entire court system as arbitrary, the lawyer will hem and haw, spit and sputter, resorting to every spurious argument they were taught, to try to backpedal. The truth is stronger than any sophist claim. If the person in the right makes a single mistake in filing paperwork or meeting an arbitrary deadline, the case is closed against him or her, but if person B’s attorney misses every deadline, fails to file paperwork on time or even correctly, person B’s lawyer will be given a pass. Because the court system is run by attorneys, for attorneys. The judges are lawyers, and they know if someone can appear before a court and get a fair trial… without a lawyer, that is a huge disincentive to get a lawyer and their 100K plus a year payday is in danger. Lawyers are human beings, calculating, self interested and powerful by the fact of their position.

The ruling by the 9th circuit court clears the air once and for all. No one can claim that the court system follows the actual law anymore, the truth or the concept of justice, which has left the United States, except as a means to trick the common people into believing that there is some form of justice, to placate us. No different than the argument Thrasymachus made in Plato’s, The Republic. In their ruling they admitted the law is clear, past precedent was also clear, and even the interests of the United States was clear, but they based their unanimous ruling on their desire for corporations to be able too hire H1B visas without impediment. It is critical to them that the guy serving your table at Applebeys, who has a masters in Information Technology and tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt… stays waiting tables, so that someone who will work for pennies on the dollar can take the IT job. Even as US citizens train their replacements, how to maintain the systems the Americans invented and built, so the new class can raise the pay of the executives by lowering the pay of the workers.

The Supreme Court has become so perverted they base all their decisions on politics and everyone knows it! One need only look at the makeup of the court. 4 “justices” always vote with progressives no matter how absurd the decision, while 3 vote generally along the lines of the Constitution, with 1 vacancy and 1 who prefers to undermine our Constitution. Before any case comes before the court everyone already knows who will vote what. Ruth Bader Ginsburg even stood in Egypt and said before a crowd, that if she were drafting a constitution today she wouldn’t follow the US example, but the Marxist South African one instead!!!! Showing her open loathing of our Constitution and limited government… could there be a better reason to impeach a justice? Our judges have done an absolutely terrific job of destroying their own reputations.

No one believes anymore there is justice in our court system, only a fool would think the legacy media is unbiased, yet these two institutions that have so sullied their own names, demand we respect them! I have far more respect for a garbage man, who works for a living, taking everyone’s garbage without bias or preference. Clearly, only someone utterly disengaged from reality could think they should be respected, after they have done everything in their power to earn disrespect. Let a conservative criticize a judge for abandoning our Constitution or ruling in a nakedly biased way, and the media will claim it is tantamount to calling for the murder of judges, even as the nakedly biased media ignore progressive calls for the murder of judges, and anyone else, that follows and loves our Constitution. Our Judges and reporters could learn a thing or two from Nobody… if you want to be respected, it is best not to try to earn disrespect. That is common sense and as obvious as the sky, but today, common sense is less common than gold nuggets in your driveway.


John Pepin

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