The New Class War Against The Rest of Us…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what we are witnessing today, is all out war between the new class and the rest of society. Trump is the face of the average citizen today, but make no mistake, he is not the target as much as you and I. That we have woken up to the onslaught and elected someone to stop it has enraged the new class. From stymieing Trump in the political court system, to the ever present threat of violence against anyone who progressives discover is a republican, the progressive new class has gone rogue. In the past the war was more of a cold war, the new class corroding our wages, poking us in the eye as customers because the new class has a monopoly, destroying our Constitutionally limited republic, crushing small businesses with crony regulation, and undermining our children’s educations with bizarre policies like Common Core. Trump is experiencing pearl harbor as the US, while the new class bombs him mercilessly, trying to wipe him out before the war get earnestly under weigh. The new class is showing it’s true colors, intolerant, hateful, anti American, unpatriotic, conniving, backstabbers who would rather see the US collapse and suffer widespread famine, rather than let go of a single usurped prerogative.

When Obama won the White house, conservatives and pro Americans had to hold our noses and tolerate Obama’s continuous assaults on our Constitution, the rule of law and the very safety of our children. The new class was united in that anyone who even so much as criticized any policy of Obama was excoriated as a racist, hater and bigot, regardless of the subject matter of that policy. Nancy Pelosi famously called American citizens who disagree, that one third of our economy should be nationalized, un American.” Even as she did and continues to do everything in her power to destroy our Constitution. Rush Limbaugh, who said he hoped Obama would fail in fundamentally transforming the US into a Marxist colony of a one world government, was on the front page of every new class publication as enemy number one. We were told to tolerate Obama’s executive actions that violated our Constitution, his policies that undermined our safety, embrace his senseless wars in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc… and when Fast and Furious came out as a obvious attack on the Second Amendment, we were ordered to shut up and sit down. The TEA party was called a racist hate group that tended towards violence, as they sat in lawn chairs with American flags aped to them, even cleaning up after themselves without a single example of violence, even as the progressive counter part, occupy wall street, was raping, rioting and vandalizing their way across America.

While not one of Obama’s clearly unconstitutional executive orders were challenged in court, and the one time he was and the court found against him, in the Gulf drilling ban, Obama simply ignored the court and there were no consequences for it. Today Trump issues an executive order that parallels past laws and the politicized courts block him! The media claims if it gets to the Supreme Court it could result in a 4-4 split and if the progressive Kennedy flips, 5-3! Imagine, so many judges who have taken an oath to uphold our Constitution, have so little virtue, honesty and humanity in them, they rule against our Constitution at every turn! The court system is under the total control of the new class and is chosen the progressive side as their own. Our constitution, laws, past practices and logic fall to the naked partisanship of our court system today.

The legacy media that calls itself unbiased has become incapable of telling truth. Pointing a finger at honest sources of factual information that undermines their propaganda, the legacy media has coined the term fake news… which clearly is a perfect description of the legacy media itself. The more they get caught in lies, the more they attack Trump, and in doing so attack us. The business community has successfully wrested the means of production from the Bourgeoisie and have it in their greasy hands. Of course the new class uses it’s monopoly on the means of production to push their one world agenda on the rest of us. By crony capitalism the new class has managed to lower US productivity for the first time ever, driven down real wages, destroyed the old one job for life paradigm where people could get a pension, blown up our healthcare system, corroded our savings through ZIRP and stock market scams, etc… the progressive new class is the enemy of the people and our Constitution, in every way.

Bankers who profited nicely during Obama’s administration, at cost to the rest of us in jobs, wages, savings, and economic security are the epitome of the new class. It doesn’t matter if a bank gives any value whatsoever for the ungodly profits they get, they have a government granted monopoly on the issuance of money! Yet even with the ability to print money at will, they are so greedy, corrupt and conniving, they constantly get caught in illegal activities! Then the government fines the shareholders letting the banksters get away free and clear. If the government allowed me to print money at will, I suspect I could control myself from stealing the hard earned savings from my customer’s accounts… but then again, I am not a new class bankster. Trump has only been in office a month and has seen more interest rate increases than Obama did in 8 years! Rest assured, the Federal Reserve and the banks, along with the publicly traded firms controlled by the new class will do everything in their power to destroy the economy under Trump’s watch, so he will get the blame for it, instead of their bubble blowing policies that has left the world economy looking like a Lawrence Welk danceathon.

The new class is at war with us, they have been for a long time, but since we have woken up to the fact, the connivers have become scared. War is much easier waged on an unsuspecting enemy than one who girds themselves for it. Since we outnumber them hundreds to one, they rightfully have something to fear. Machiavelli said a wise prince seeks the backing of the people rather than the elite, because the people are many, and the elite few. That is why the elite, the new class, has taken of the gloves and the mask. Their hatred toward us and limited government is now out in the open showing their ugly faces for all to see. No one who is above the law ever wants to be brought back under it’s limitations, those limitations are for the little people to bear, as are taxes. The elite will not give up, they will fight on, and their tactics will become ever more loathsome, their voices increasingly shrill and their snowflake egos more bruised by the day. Until either they have won and Trump is assassinated or impeached, or the swamp has been drained. They will stop at nothing to diminish us to slaves, eliminating all free will, we on the other hand have morals and compunctions holding us back from waging all out war back at them, (as well as the law that is written to control us and that the elite are above), fortunately, we are on the side of God, who gave us free will, because clearly He believes it of the utmost import, and His will be done.


John Pepin

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