The Hateful Four

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when a lie is called truth and truth is called a lie, evil is ascendant, whenever and wherever evil is ascendant, people will become heartless, and we have heartlessness in neon lights in Chicago. Imagine how callous a person needs to be to do such a thing, as torture someone at all, let alone on a live streaming broadcast… for fun. This level of psychopathy is usually reserved for political leaders, would be tin pot dictators, who claim to do it in the “national” interest. That evil however, did not bubble up from the bottom, not at all, it trickled down from the top, as evil always does. The top becomes corrupted, and that putrescence drips down on us below, because everything flows downhill. Confucius philosophy of government was founded on leaders leading by example rather than fear and violence, and that corrupt leaders lead to corrupt states, while virtuous leaders lead to virtuous states. We have had 8 years of the Obama regime’s open corruption… yet not investigated, ignored and ridicule heaped upon anyone who dares bring it up, that corruption has dripped at first but now has become a drizzle of putrefaction down upon the rest of society.

Since the congenital nature of Man is evil, the good in us a learned trait, in a civilized society human heartedness is taught to everyone, otherwise civil society could not function. Barbarians are only suitable for tyrannies. No other form of government will keep barbarians in check so some form of society can function. No society then, that wants to remain civilized with all the amenities, comforts and advantages civil society offers, would intentionally undermine the civilizing of the youth, yet clearly, those youths are not civilized. One could offer that the event was a one off, an aberration, and 10 years ago they would have been right, but due to the rot in government dripping on civil institutions and decaying them, a growing number of our youth lack the civilizing education our forefathers and mothers had. The corruption in government has corrupted our schools, religious institutions, fraternal organizations, charities, etc…

It is not at all surprising that at the end of the Obama administration such heartlessness would be on the rise. Appealing to division is the hallmark of Obama’s policies, whether they be international or domestic, Obama appeals to division. Obama ridiculed white people during his first election and the media ignored it, went to a segregationist church and anyone who mentioned it was met with scorn, Obama even ridiculed his grand mother as being a typical white person and was given another pass. Throughout Obama’s presidency he has openly divided, stirred the pot of racial animosity and used the mechanisms of government for political purposes. Is it any surprise then that Obama’s target audience has become heartless? Progressives have been demolishing entire demographic groups stake in society, and replacing that former stake in society, with a stake in the welfare state. People have simply followed where they have been led.

Lies are called the truths and truths are called lies. Universal truths are commonly attacked today and called fables. Overriding morality is considered old fashioned by the moral equivalence crowd, good and evil are attacked as arbitrary and Christianity is under constant assault even as progressives promote ideologies that are an anathema to civilization. When a civilization has become so corrupted, so heartless that the slaughter of unborn babies is ignored, that civilization is become evil. True, that evil started at the top, those who sought to make abortion legal, but now that corruption has flowed to the very bottom of society, every strata of society has people who support the mass slaughter of babies. The elite keep us swimming in a cesspool of lies, knowing that no one can swim in a cesspool and not at least smell like it, then the elite can point at truth tellers and yell to the world how they reek.

Progressives have been cultivating anger, hopelessness and heartlessness for decades, and that pent up emotion is damning of progressives and progressivism. Is it any real shock that the event happened in Chicago… a bastion of progressivism? Now we have those same progressives who have been attacking basic truths, telling us we should make them the arbiters of what is truth and what is a lie, even as they promulgate another obvious lie. Our leaders have been leading us into corruption for decades, we have become so used to putrefaction that we don’t even notice it, unless that smell is pointed out to us. Yet we stand amazed that four youths, raised in a cesspool of hate, anger, hopelessness and led by evil people… would do such an evil act as torture a man on live streaming video. There is always a reason things happen, it is up to us to understand why, then set ourselves to eliminating that why.


John Pepin

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