History Will Not Judge Us Well

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, every time progressivism gets power, as it has under Barack Obama, it is responsible for crimes against humanity, and for those crimes today history will judge us very poorly. Since the inception of Progressivism it has been the source of crimes against humanity that a normal mind cannot comprehend. Eugenics, abortion, master races, genocide on an industrial scale, destruction of the nuclear family, sexualizing our culture and even our children creating a hedonistic self destructive culture, famines, and the enslavement of large swaths of humanity. This is of course not a comprehensive list but it touches on some of the high points of the crimes of progressivism. The ones I would like to look into at depth here, is the genocide of Christians in Christianity’s birthplace the Middle East and the industrial slaughter of innocent babies, all of which history will condemn us as barbarians.

Obama loves to claim to foreknow the judgment of history. He goes on and on about how history will judge us poorly if we don’t give this or that Right to the State, as if history is more concerned with the petty usurpations of an autocrat than with actual human suffering. It is always human suffering that gets the headlines. No one talks about the advances of the Panzer kampf wagon Mark 5 Panther, other than WWII nuts, but we all talk of the holocaust. The one was a crime against humanity the other a technological advance. When we hear about WWI we instantly think of the human suffering the industrialization of war created, with mustard gas, bayonet charges into water cooled machine guns, accurate and more deadly artillery, and even though it is hidden in history, most everyone knows of the Armenian genocide at the hands of the young Turks, a progressive movement inside the Turkish government. History is mostly interested in crimes against humanity and under Obama’s watch there have been plenty.

Progressivism under Woodrow Wilson begot the eugenics movement, which inspired Hitler to his final solution and the master race plans, meanwhile, Planned Parenthood got it’s start at the same time by Margaret Sanger with the express purpose of exterminating Blacks. In the US people were rounded up and forcibly sterilized because the State considered then unfit to parent children, some because they were mentally retarded, others because they were French Canadian, but all of them forcibly sterilized by the coercive power of the state. Hitler loved the idea and implemented it in Germany with glee, slaughtering everyone in insane asylums, rounding up Jews, exterminating Gypsies, and Hitler didn’t stop there, he applied his progressive racial standards to the Slavs and killed millions of them too. Eugenics and the final solution are firmly and permanently intertwined, started by a progressive in the US and migrating to a progressive in Germany. A crime against humanity if ever there was one.

Abortion is a sacrament to progressives. They drink the blood of innocent babies like Catholics drink the blood of Christ. The first is enthralled by their power over life and the second humbled by their power over death. Abortion has been the cause of the deaths of nearly sixty million babies in the US alone. By any measure the industrial slaughter of the most innocent human beings is a crime against humanity. Now we find out that slaughter is accompanied with the sale of their parts! Under Obama the sacrament of abortion has been magnified in it’s heinousness. Compounding the psychotic mass murder of babies by a crass marketing of their very parts. Moreover, the government subsidizes the slaughter! It takes money from those of us who rightly are revolted by the evil of abortion, at gun point, and we are forced to pay for it. History will not judge us well at all for the evil of abortion.

That same lack of empathy for others that is unmistakable in our diminished value of human life is manifested in the genocide of Christians in the Middle East. Where only a decade ago there were millions of Christians in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Egypt, most have vanished, killed and buried in mass graves, sent to rape centers, and the lucky ones are wandering in the desert with no hope because no one cares, but at least hey are alive and free. Even though it has been labeled genocide by the US Congress the world community refuses to take in the diaspora Christians, the world goes out to eat as Christians are left to starve in the desert, we watch Rambo while little Christian girls are sold into sex slavery and all we care about is whether we can afford that new television. Genocide is always and everywhere a crime against humanity, but history will judge us far harsher than it has the British, French and Americans for the Holocaust, because today, we know about it undeniably and did nothing.

I cannot believe humanity will continue down the road with such heartlessness. In the long term humanity must grow up to have greater empathy. That has been the long term trend of the development of the human race. Not in a linear manner but by leaps and bounds, sometimes retreating but after a bit always lunging forward, often, by looking back at our mistakes. It is by looking back at those tragedies, that have propelled our understanding and philosophy into a more human hearted path. Once we grow beyond the hedonistic, egoistic, immediately self interested children we are, those people will look back at abortion, and genocide as crimes against humanity, encoded in human history, and all of those crimes will be the result of progressivism’s atheistic, amoral, selfish, hedonistic and holier than thou philosophy.


John Pepin

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