Swimming in Propaganda

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the new class progressives who control our culture are as underhanded as they are shrill… in programming us with their television shows. I normally don’t watch TV much, but I did the other night for a few hours, what I saw was shocking. I flipped through the channels and watched a few classic shows and some new ones. All of them were filled with progressive indoctrination. Moreover I was amazed at the lack of subtly. The indoctrination was so obvious the only way not to see it, would be if one was so immersed in it, they lost the ability to detect it. With such constant programming, especially of younger people without the benefit of experience, it is amazing liberty is even still a legal term! This shows how deeply entrenched progressives are in the entertainment industry. They use their freedom of speech to stifle ours, their freedom of religion to eliminate ours and the vast wealth they get from it to fund a totalitarian agenda. The sad fact is, if they get what they have been pushing for so stridently, they will be the very ones harmed the most.

In some shows the indoctrination was obvious and others less so. One of my favorite television shows, The Rockford Files, from the 1970s had an episode I watched all about how a woman who is a good wife and follows Christian ideals, will have her husband run around on her. Showing the indoctrination has been going on for decades. Of course, the indoctrination was more subtle in that show than the modern ones the message was clear, traditional roles for women and men is wrong an outdated. Next I watched Supergirl for as long as I could take it. That show was naked homosexuality propaganda. I threw up in my mouth a little and changed the channel. Then I stopped at a rerun of Family Guy. Knowing full well it is all progressivism all the time, I figured, what the heck, it’s comedy. I got almost half way through it before I had to change the channel, it was obvious propaganda against the TEA party. Accusing the grass roots TEA Party of being a shill for and funded by corporate interests, exactly what the Occupy Wall Street thugs were doing! Finally I had enough and went to bed.

The news is so obviously biased I have given up on all the network news shows. From the Wall Street Journal to Al Jizeera the main stream press is uniformly controlled by the new class. With the wikileaks email releases showing collusion in a multitude of ways between the media and the Clinton campaign, my opinion was proven accurate, beyond a shadow of a doubt. The bias is so obvious now, most have given up all pretense of objectivity and have become less reliable than the Weekly World News, and more propaganda than Pravda. Whenever I read the media that calls itself unbiased today I feel like I am reading Der Giftpilz. Instead of antisemitism, although there is plenty of that today in the media that calls itself unbiased, the propaganda is aimed at constitutionalism, libertarianism, fathers, and common sense.

Our government monopoly school system has totally abandoned teaching children arithmetic, reading, writing, history and science and instead indoctrinate our children to be good little slaves to the state. Children, being the most gullible and open to mind control, are so immersed in the poison of progressivism, no one can blame them for voting for their own slavery. When I graduated from a government monopoly school, I had been thoroughly brainwashed, so much so, whenever someone mentioned the name Jesus in a non derogatory way, I instantly thought them loony! Today, with the benefit of years of living experience, I have grown out of that childish and ignorant mindset, but will children today have that opportunity, given they are so immersed in progressive ideology?

New Class Progressives have seized absolute control of our news media, entertainment industry, schools and businesses. I bet most of you only tangentially notice the constant progressive indoctrination. The new class has taken Gramsci’s cultural Hegemony, (cultural domination), to heart and Marcuse’s repressive tolerance, (demanding tolerance of the evil and intolerance to good), to new high. Notice how the new class has no tolerance for Christianity, our Constitution, limited government and free speech, (unless it is theirs)? The new class has instituted cultural Marxism with the glee of a zealot. Once we realize most of our fellows are brainwashed it is easy to understand why they studiously vote, act and speak against their own interests.

That perhaps is why they are so shocked that, at the very moment of their greatest victory, the destruction of the US, Western culture, society and economy, they have had defeat snatched from the jaws of victory. How could they have known, with all the power they have usurped, control of the media,education, entertainment and even our jobs, enough of us would be so self interested rightly understood, we would vote for our and our children’s interests, rather than the interests of our future masters! The new class might have lost the battle but rest assured, the propaganda, lies, layoffs, cultural domination, and intolerance will grow ever more pronounced until they have won. Remember, it is the useful idiots that are the first killed by the new masters, because useful idiots think they will be the masters.


John Pepin

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