On the Death Of Fidel

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is informative to see which politician laments the death of Fidel Castro, and who doesn’t. You can tell how someone will turn out by the friends they keep. Those who praise Fidel clearly are sympathetic to his cause while those who denigrate him are not. Obviously, if one is saddened by the death of Fidel, they must have common cause in their struggle with Fidel’s. So we have to ask ourselves, what were the policies and goals of Fidel Castro? Moreover, those who express their love of Fidel must either condone or at least not condemn Castro’s actions. Once we have answered that question, we can understand the policies and goals of those politicians who praise him and lament Castro’s passing. From this we can decide if we want the same things for humanity or something different.

Fidel Castro was the atheist Marxist dictator of Cuba. He came to power by bloodshed and held power by terror, abuse and force. His policies were to enslave all humanity to the state. Castro instituted a policy of atheism in the schools supplanting God with Fidel, where school children would be asked if they believed in God, when they said yes, they were told to bow their heads and pray for candy. After a suitable period of time they were told to open their eyes to see there was no candy on their desks. Then they were told to pray to Fidel for Candy. When they opened their eyes there was a piece of candy on every desk. Likening back to Caligula, Fidel demanded not only fealty but adoration. There is no telling how many people Fidel turned away from God, sealing their fates, to burn in Hell for eternity.

Fidel Castro was instrumental in turning generations of Cuban people away from God. There is an old joke… a priest and a Jewish taxi driver stand at the gates of Heaven. Gabriel asks the taxi driver’s name to find his place in Heaven. The Taxi driver tells Gabriel, “My name is Saul Goldman.” Gabriel says, “Well then, we have a palatial mansion with a golf course, many swimming pools and game rooms for you!” Gabriel motions and Angels carry Saul to his reward. The priest is next and says, “My name is Father O’Brien.” Gabriel smiles and says, “We have a lovely condo for you father O’Brien.” The priest gets a bewildered look on his face and asks, “Why did that taxi driver get a mansion and I only get a condo, when I devoted my life to God?” Gabriel answers, “Because when you preached, people slept, but when Saul drove, people prayed…” besides the obvious, this joke tells a deep truth, those who turn people to God are rewarded heavily while those who turn people away from God are punished. Fidel devoted his entire life to turning people away from God.

Castro favored arbitrary rule as do all Marxists. Arbitrary rule as defined by the ancient Greeks is about the absolute power to the ruler over everyone else. Many in the past favored arbitrary rule their tales are told in the pages of Plutarch. Under arbitrary rule, the dictator can order anyone to do anything and that person must, else be executed. So under arbitrary rule a king can order a mother to kill her only son and she must else be executed, the autocrat can seize money or land from anyone, the tyrant can order anyone to work at whatever, for however long he or she decides without regard to the subject’s physical abilities. There is a name for people who live under arbitrary rule, slaves. A slave is subject to the whims of his or her master no different than a subject who lives under arbitrary rule. Basically, Fidel Castro believed everyone else should be his personal slave.

As do all dictators, Fidel lived the life of a king while his subjects live as paupers. Forbes magazine named Fidel Castro as one of the richest men on the planet since Fidel basically owned everything and everyone in Cuba as his personal chattel. Every house, street, store and farm was Fidel’s personal property, every citizen was subject to every whim of Castro and the Cuban children were his personal property. Fidel was very angry since dictators loathe their fancy lifestyles to be made public. Castro was the epitome of selfishness, envy, egoism and hate. Not only his policies prove this beyond a doubt, but the results of his policies are the polish to his life’s work, enslaving the people of the world to arbitrary rule, denying mankind the benefit of Heaven and fighting God’s plan that people have free will. In short, Fidel Castro, by his actions, was a very evil man.

Who is it then who is praising Fidel’s life’s work, who is it that supports subjecting humanity to arbitrary rule, atheism, elimination of free will and free enterprise? Trudeau the Prime Minister of Canada, the entire media that calls itself unbiased, Obama, elites the world over and most notably Pope Francis. Clearly, to praise a man’s life’s work is to agree with that life’s work. To argue otherwise is to argue water is no longer wet. Since these people and organizations support arbitrary rule, atheism and the slavery of mankind, any thinking person who wants liberty, prosperity, free enterprise as well as a possible eternity in Heaven, must not only ignore the words of these evil people, but actively fight against them in every way. Those who praise evil are themselves evil and should be hampered, reviled and spat upon at every opportunity. All it takes for evil to gain the upper hand is for good men to allow it to happen. This is your chance to not allow it to happen by recognizing who is evil.


John Pepin

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