Violence tolerated and Violence not tolerated…

Dear friends,

It seems to me, if Donald Trump doesn’t get a landslide, because that is what it will take to overcome all the vote fraud that is happening, conservatives will fume but will not become violent, although if Hillary Clinton doesn’t have enough fraudulent votes to get her over the top and Trump wins, there will be riots in most of our major cities. Progressives and Marxists have proven over and over again they will gladly use any means at their disposal to push the agenda. There is no bridge a progressive or Marxist will not cross, and then burn, if it takes them closer to their utopia, administrative world government. Conservatives on the other hand are far less idealistic being more pragmatic, understanding that violence at the wrong time will only serve the tyrant’s interests, and so will use the courts, public opinion, calling congresspeople and writing articles. Tyranny needs targets, victims to be exploited to advance the tyrant’s power, and the best targets are people who seek liberty. The ultimate tyranny being that of someone who seeks to change the very nature of humanity for our own good.

Marxists and progressives have never winced at using violence. From the KKK to the NAZI party every progressive organization that could use violence effectively… did. History is unambiguous on that point. The Klu Klux Klan was in fact the democrat party in it’s hay day. A Venn diagram at that time of the two would be a single circle. The NAZI party was the German Progressive party. During the lion of progressivism, Woodrow Wilson administration, the US government rounded up people deemed genetically inferior, and forcibly sterilized them! The famous progressive, FDR rounded up people of Japanese descent and put them in internment camps, little different than a German labor camp. Whenever progressives come into sufficient power, they are more than happy to use violence to reshape the human race, as they see fit.

The Occupy Wall Street movement was uber violent. From the rapes in the camps to the vandalism and assaults, OWS was violent in nature, intent and actions. The Black Lives Matter movement is overtly violent as well. No one sane can argue canting at rallies, “what do we want!” “Dead cops!” “When do we want it?” “NOW!” is not obviously violent rhetoric designed to cause violence. Add to that the very real result of police being ambushed, shot by sniper fire and attacked in other ways by progressives fighting for the BLM movement. When the Tsarnaev brothers bombed the Boston Marathon, that attack, and every terrorist attack, is blamed on conservatives, when it is found to be a Muslim or progressive the news cycle stops. The only conservative attack was by Timothy McVeigh, and unlike any progressive terrorist, like Bill Ayers for example, he has been executed, so it is impossible to question him to understand his real motivation. We only have the word of progressives to rely on.

Remember, progressives are in charge in every Western nation today. Violence by progressives should Clinton loose would be tolerated, as it always is, because that violence can be used to create fear, leading to more laws, which means more power in the hands of progressives to reshape humanity, for our own good. So rioters will be given leeway and even encouraged, their Rights and dignity respected and their freedoms guaranteed. No chess player takes his own pawns off the table. If conservatives were to act up violently however, the gloves would come off, progressives would show their dark nature very quickly. Moreover, the world would applaud the wanton killing of conservative Americans, as righteous retribution for all the evils, progressive Americans have visited on the world.

Governments use full metal jacketed bullets against foreign attackers but use hollow pointed bullets against their own citizens. It is illegal under international law to use chemical weapons against attackers, but not against citizens. Tear gas and pepper spray are non lethal forms of chemical weapons. Don’t think for a moment if conservatives rose up, the US government wouldn’t call in UN troops, to exacerbate the situation. Our 300 million guns wouldn’t stand a chance when the Government carpet bombs small cities that put up resistance, goes house to house searching for “hoarded” food, weapons, ammo, precious metals, basically, anything of value. The rules of engagement would be excessively broad, we wouldn’t be treated like the Viet Cong or Al Qaida, we would be treated worse than German and Japanese soldiers in WWII. We would be shown no mercy.

It took progressives a century to infiltrate our education system, universities, media, law, government and culture sufficiently to have near total control. We have to stop griping and make our feelings known. Stop looking for milk toast in our candidates instead looking for true dyed in the wool constitutionalists, home school our children at least until they have been taught how to think and reason, send our young adults to universities that are conservative and libertarian boycotting progressive universities, write articles and post them on the Internet, make it known to businesses that donating to progressive causes will cost them our business, keep track of how your representatives vote and let them know how you feel, call for government budget cuts then have the backbone to stand up for them, back a voucher system, take back our culture… in short, do what progressives have done, evolve our nation back to our Constitution and away from the administrative state. An administrative state that can only lead to world government. Under world government, progressives and Marxists could breed and brain wash the human race as they see fit, for our own good of course…


John Pepin

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