Industrialists or Capitalists

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that we at the International Capitalist Party define “capitalist” differently than some other people. Our definition is; “A person who believes that the free market is the most just means to distribute the goods of society.” Not only that but; “And, acts on this belief by promoting perfect competition in every market.”

Most have the first part but not the second. Many people who are called capitalist are not capitalists at all… they are industrialists. Industrialists believe; “My good over the good of society.” It is manifest in their every action. With hubris and greed they seek to undermine free markets, create monopoly, (which is the opposite of perfect competition), and hold power without consequence. In short they are the modern incarnation of Galba. (Before he became emperor).

Capitalists think the means of production should be held by individuals. Especially in the hands of many individuals. We don’t believe that the means of production should be concentrated in the hands of a few elite whether or not they are industrialists, communists, progressives, or socialists. A true capitalist believes that the means of production in the hands of the many are the engine of creation.

When tools are widely distributed in society an innate seed is sown in society that grows the economy. When people have tools, lathes, welders, shapers and milling machines they can fabricate things that they think up. Most will be futile but a few will be promising and a few of those will turn into a real profitable enterprise. It takes a lot of people trialing and erring to get a few great products. We all know what happens when someone hits upon a winner… society wins.

Jobs are created building the invention on a larger scale. Money flows into the local economy from the new jobs and for plant upkeep and raw input. The roads are sometimes upgraded to meet the new demand. The list is endless. But it takes many trying for few to succeed. When no one has the ability to try no one succeeds. Economic growth is stunted.

Industrialists are too enamored by the monumental potential of mass production. Without doubt mass production has bettered the lives of everyone on the planet. Even cheap wind up radios are a boon where electricity is scarce and often non existent. The benefits of mass production are beyond question.

But it is not in giant industries that paradigm quaking ideas are produced. It is by individuals. The economy lives and dies by the small entrepreneur having and idea and starting a business. These small businesses in the US provide most of the jobs (and the ideas).

Industrialists seek to use government to warp the market giving them some advantage. Whether it is trade regulation or tax loop holes they are always conniving. Where a capitalist could be anyone who believes as the first paragraph states. We may scheme to get rich, but a true capitalist of the International Capitalist Party bent, will use just means to that end. Plying politicians with bribes to get a leg up are not just means.

So I can see how some people can mistakenly believe that capitalists are bad. They have confused a capitalist with an industrialist. Who in our minds are no different than a communist, progressive or socialist… they all connive to get power for unjust ends.

Oh… and also believe power concentrated in the hands of the few is good…

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