Is The Sky Really There?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me,

Forget to look up and you will not see the sky,

Never see the sky and you can forget it is there,

Refuse to look up and you can believe it doesn’t exist.

We are on some level spiritual beings… Going abut our daily lives many of us are too busy to look up. Life is full of distractions, school, work, childcare, entertainment and politics, all combine to keep us too focused on the ground to look at the sky. When we allow that to happen, we are not spiritual, loosing that part of our existence. Everyone must look up, at that which is spiritual, reflective and eternal. In that way, many of us do not see those things, instead we drudge along, too busy to look up and see there is something more.

When we are too busy to look up at the spiritual it is all too easy to forget there is a spiritual realm. Sad really, because the spiritual gives us strength to pass through the trials of daily life, washing the grime from our souls. Forget to access that divine help, through prayer and reflection, and our lives become even more mired in the earthly. The daily grind is ever more grinding, keeping us all the more focused on the ground, rather than the sky.

Once a person has forgot the sky is even there, their lives and souls, that have become soiled with the dust of the corporeal world, cannot get clean. That dirt covers us to the point we grow used to it, like someone who has never washed, knows nothing of what it is to be clean. They begin to believe that is all there is. Once that happens, a person will only see the flower of hedonistic pleasure at their feet, and believe that as the highest greatest good… having forgot to look up and see there is something far more real and good.

Prayer and reflection are purifying. They clean the soul, relax the mind and expand our wisdom. People who never look up, can easily convince themselves they are far more wise than those with their heads in the clouds. Their wisdom is the wisdom of a cat, they know when opportunity comes, they know to sleep and enjoy hedonistic pleasure, but have cut themselves off from an entire universe of pleasure and source of true wisdom. They travel through life without ever engaging in that which is greater than themselves, and indeed begin to worship themselves, hedonistic pleasure and their own creations.

Those who have forgot the sky is there can be easily convinced to refuse to look up at all. They believe they have no need of anything greater, having become used to and comfortable with the filth and sweat, they never wash off. As they travel through life the odor of all the other people who are too busy to look up becomes sweet to them. Eventually, to look up at all would be an affront to their comfort. So an increasing number of people refuse to look up. Once that happens they start to believe the sky isn’t there. Of course, all they would have to do is look up to see that it is in fact there, but in their obstinacy, they refuse.

That is what I mean by,

Forget to look up and you will not see the sky,

Never see the sky and you can forget it is there,

Refuse to look up and you can believe it doesn’t exist.

So please, don’t forget to look up every now and then…


John Pepin

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