Who Should Lower Their Standard of Living?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that all the answers from the left are to lower our standard of living. You and I must lower our standard of living… voluntarily or if necessary…

Listen to the premise of every public service message from the communists, socialists and progressives. Walk more drive less, bring a bag to the store, buy organic, use more environmentally friendly power the list goes on and on. The underlying premise is that we live too well and must ratchet down our standard of living.

The communists, socialists and progressives argue that Americans and Europeans live too well and we should live on less. They never argue for more for the third world. They only argue for less. They claim the world could not bear the human race if we all enjoyed the standard of living of the modern US. That is of course sophistry.

Sophistry is intentionally using logic fallaciously and especially to misdirect. They argue, the plurality of scientists, believe in man made climate change. But they eschew argument. If their case were really so powerful they would gladly welcome argument. When we have the better argument we love to do battle. We are certain of victory and in doing so we show the masses the true course.

But when we know our arguments are weak we eschew argument in favor of character assassination, and claiming the science is settled and we need no longer discuss the point. (I’m sure the people who voted to put Socrates to death felt the same way). The matter was settled and need no longer be questioned. Nothing in science is ever settled perfectly. It is not possible. Even such basic theories as, what is a planet, are subject to revision.

Power is, was and always will be, a great motivator of men. Many men in history have claimed to be liberators when the opposite was true. They showed their intentions with their deeds. Their words were mere shadows used as a means to veil their true ends. In this way modern sophists like communists, socialists and progressives argue the rest of use must live on less. While they live on more and more.

The Nobel Laureate Al Gore is reported to spend thousands of dollars a month on electricity. (On a house he is not in most of the time). Yet you and I should walk to work? People in Africa should keep living in abject poverty? (But with free healthcare to keep them dependant). And most importantly we should lower our standard of living to suit the Elite?

Their actions belie their intentions. If they were indeed concerned, to nearly the extent they claim, about man made climate change they would act as they preach. (Owning a prius as part of a fleet is not acting as one preaches nor is paying oneself thousands of dollars as ‘green investment‘ to offset one‘s copious carbon usage). Actions don’t lie… people do.

So we are to be very concerned about how much we use from the planet. I should burn an extra few hours from my day to walk to work. My time is so cheap, to those that don’t live it, a few hours is nothing. Thy don’t feel a thing, on their private plane to Europe, when I am walking in below zero temperatures.

Like “no idling’ ordinances some cities are implementing. It is much more important that, a lawyer who sits in a heated and air conditioned office all day, not smell exhaust fumes as he or she walks to the bistro for lunch, than the worker who has to work in the heat of the summer and the bitter cold of the winter to get warm or cool off. The lawyers don’t feel a bit of the frost bite the worker gets so the lawyer doesn’t have to be inconvenienced.

The Elite all believe that if only we stupid ignorant fools simply did as we are told the world would become Eden. They believe it in their hearts. They believe we are like bratty children in not behaving. We insist on driving SUVs, (that should only be for the Elite), keep using shopping bags, and driving to work. Some of use are even hording money in the form of paying off debt.

What the Elite don’t recognize is that we are human beings. We all want better. For our children, our family, our friends, and ourselves. Everyone on Earth. We all want better… not worse. So wouldn’t it be better to work within the constraints of the attributes of human beings? More importantly treat us as such. As Kant said, we have free will and are thus efficient cause. As efficient cause we are an end in ourselves… Not a means for the Elite.

There have always been people that are willing to drink the coolaid but the rest of us see that the emperor has no clothes. When we mention it however, those that have invested to much in the emperors new look, feel they are beset upon. They must protect their honor and defend the tailor… Regardless of the facts. For if he is wrong they are wrong and are fools… That can never be.

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