The Truth behind Progressivism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason most people, conservatives, classic liberals, libertarians and yes, even progressives themselves, don’t understand why progressive leaders do what they do, is that they don’t really understand what progressivism is. It is impossible to understand a political movement unless you know what it’s core philosophy is. Progressivism is misdefined all the time. I could say, this word… it doesn’t mean what you think it means. Most people think, no believe, progressivism is all about helping the downtrodden and creating fairness in society, nothing could be further from the truth. That is the lie that has been cultivated by many years of propaganda and inculcation. The truth is far more insidious. Progressivism is about power, sex, violence and satisfying the id, from where the lust for power, sex and violence is born.

At it’s core, progressivism is based on the Frankfurt school of philosophy. The Frankfurt school of philosophy is a mainstream current of social, political and cultural philosophy. It is often referred to as Critical theory. Those who wish to hide the true desires and goals of the Frankfurt school often claim it is based on Hegel, ignoring the real minds behind it’s core philosophy, Marx, Freud and Nietzsche. Many of the ideas of the progressives come directly from these men’s theories. Progressivism is the political arm of the Frankfurt school.

Nietzsche’s philosophy is that advancement comes through strife and strife always has a violent aspect to it. Everyone has heard Nietzsche’s famous quote, “That which doesn’t kill me makes me stronger…” He said in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, “The way to the overman is under…” In other words, mankind can only evolve to the superman through violence, strife, poverty and suffering. Nietzsche thought that to honor soldiers who had fought for their country was absurd, and that honor should go to murderers, rapists and thieves, because criminals create the conditions whereby humanity can evolve to the overman, while soldiers create stability. Crime and the resultant suffering is a central component of Nietzsche’s philosophy. Moreover, Nietzsche believed morality outmoded and that the superman will have no morals whatsoever. Only in this way can humanity throw off the slavish bonds of morality, comfort and peace and evolve to the overman.

Marx is considered by many still, as the quintessential economist, especially the Frankfurt school. Whenever asked, “What is the difference between progressivism and communism, progressives will always laugh and avoid the question. That is because at it’s heart both progressives and their intellectual backers the Frankfurt school believe in the rational economy… an economy rationally controlled by a central authority, or in other words, Marxist. Marx had many theories about economics, the alienation of work, the labor theory of value, history as class struggle and the exploitation of labor. All of which have failed to meet, even the most broad definition of being empirically provable, yet are believed by the Frankfurt school with all the fervent of a suicide bomber.

Freud was obsessed about sex, well, sex and cocaine. Sigmund Freud’s theory of human mind consists of three parts, the Ego, Super Ego and the Id. The Id being the strongest part, it is the manifestation of our animal spirits, the hungers for sex, food, satisfaction, love, etc… The Ego is the weakest, it is the rational part of the human being’s mind, and the super ego, in it’s power to effect our decisions fall in the middle and is our self criticism. He said the poor ego, it is beaten up by both the Id and the super ego. The logical conclusion of Freud’s theories is that we are not rational at all but only have a veneer of rationality covering our dark desires. It follows then that we must be controlled by a powerful government, for our own good, else we will make a mess of our lives.

Progressivism, as I have shown, is nothing at all like it is portrayed, it is not forward thinking, it is not benevolent, it is not democratic and it is most certainly not progressive. At it’s core progressivism is a carnal, base and selfish political philosophy masquerading as caring. The Frankfurt school and therefore progressivism, is at it’s base atheistic as were Nietzsche, Marx and Freud. It has to masquerade else it would be despised. Like all evil that seeks power it must claim to be what it is against. That is why progressives like the ACLU claim to stand for the Constitution, when they seek to destroy it, by using our liberty against our liberty, they seek to install a socialist economy, crime ridden society, carnal culture and a people devoid of morality.

That is why our governments release illegal alien criminals onto our streets, disarm us while arming Mexican drug cartels, allow rogue nations to squire nuclear weapons, create instability in the Middle East, laud multiculturalism, attack Christianity and Judaism, flood our nations with immigrants who will not assimilate and fight fake pepetual wars on drugs and terrorism. Such is the way to evolve us into the overman, by unleashing our ids, while controlling us through arbitrary rule. All to evolve us to overmen, people devoid of a conscious, as are progressives. Now you know the truth… what are you going to do about it?


John Pepin

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