Nuclear World War

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the instability on the planet today is… the new world order. The new world order is disorder, violence, wars of aggression and human suffering on a scale heretofore unimaginable. You think the suffering WWII visited upon the world was bad, we are about to enter a warring states period that make WWII look like the War for the Chaco. It is not going to merely bankrupt you, nor simply destroy your standard of living, this coming world war will have you watch as your children are butchered, starve or die slowly of radiation poisoning. Everything you have, want or imagine will be taken from you, because of this instability.

Nuclear weapons are proliferating around the world. When the US and Europe took down Muammar Gaddafi, the only autocrat to give up WMD… they essentially told the world’s tyrants, get nuclear weapons! Now we see the despots of the world got the memo. Since then more and more countries are developing nuclear weapons as fast as possible. North Korea abandoned it’s treaty with the US limiting it’s ability to get, amass and deliver nuclear weapons, Iran has signed a treaty with the US that allows Iran to inspect itself, and the cold war between Pakistan and India is heating up, and soon may go nuclear. Proliferation of nuclear weapons in the hands of despots and psychopaths cannot be a good idea.

Every continent on the planet except Antarctica and Australia is at war or in economic collapse. Wars rage around the globe, and the fire is growing. Asia has several wars in progress, ISIS is religiously cleansing the Middle Eats of Christians and Yazidis. Europe sees Ukraine and Russia in open conflict, Africa is awash in bloodshed, South America’s economy is melting down and still has active Marxist insurgencies going on, and in North America, the US has open fighting on the streets between Black lives matter and the police. Instead of cooling down, these conflicts are getting worse, while the world’s economy is in full recession.

There is a full blown currency war raging today, economies are collapsing and a global recession is on it’s way, nothing is more conducive to war than economic collapse. Europe’s economy is in full rout with Greece needing a new loan every time a loan payment comes due, Spain and Italy are ready to go bankrupt even as Europe is being deluged with Islamic immigrants who are intent on subjugating the native Europeans. Brazil’s economy is ablaze, Venezuela is in hyper inflation and just announced martial law. China’s planned economy is not going as planned, it’s manufacturing numbers just came in at the crucial 3500 level, the Renminbi is being devalued and the Chinese stock market is in free fall again, despite the government making it illegal to sell stocks! Every world war has been presaged by economic upheaval.

China is gearing up to expand it’s empire. The definition of empire is a large area controlled by a hegemonic group, usually based on ethnicity, reigning over many other ethnic groups. China is run by communists and the hegemonic ethnicity are Han Chinese. They reign over Tibetans, Mongols and Uyghurs. Today China is building islands in the South China sea to expand it’s military might, threatening the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan, on land China claims the northern states of India and Vietnam. They plan on expanding, which is what empires do, especially Marxist empires.

The Middle East is on fire since Obama threw in with the Arab Spring. Christians and Yazidis have been all but exterminated from that part of the world, people are fleeing the wars into Europe where they bring with them chaos, terrorism and bigotry. Iran’s nuclear program is being funded by Obama and European leaders and given the green light as well, despite the constant chant of “Death to America! Death to Israel!” We hear from the leaders there. Antisemitism is on the rise again around the world another event that has presaged every major world conflict.

Humanity has a very real possibility of facing extinction because of this coming convulsion. With nuclear weapons being distributed to every insane despot on the planet, instead of being inconceivable, nuclear exchange is rapidly becoming inevitable. Even a limited exchange between Pakistan and India would create a nuclear winter. A Nuclear winter that would destroy crops needed for billions of people to survive. At least global warming would be over… because we would be entering into another ice age. An electro magnetic pulse attack (EMP) on the US, China, Japan, Russia and Europe would return humanity to the dark ages, famine, disease and chaos.

Meanwhile, our leaders claim a fiction is our greatest threat, ignoring the train bearing down on us for the ant crawling over our shoe, maybe so we will be hit by the train? They seem determined to keep us distracted as the world melts down. Our leaders are the ones who’s policies are directly responsible for our dire situation. They overthrew Gaddafi and instituted the new incentive for despots to nuclear up, they have taxed, regulated and spent our economies into oblivion, they are the ones wholly responsible for the next war, yet they point to an imaginary threat as that which we should focus on. This entire coming catastrophe is the direct result of our leaders failing us.

I am not saying the world war will start Thursday at 3:00 pm… but I am saying it is coming, if it’s not already here. Future historians, (if there are any) will have to make that call. The vacuum Obama made when he pulled the US out of the world, has empowered despots around the planet to step in and grab what they can. Economic collapse always ushers in war, the ink of human history is blood, and the world’s economy is at the precipice of an epic fall. Our leaders have made it possible for the world’s autocrats to get nuclear weapons making the next conflict likely a nuclear one. In every way our leaders have failed us, leading us, predictably, to this place. If there is future history, they, Obama, Putin, Merkel, Khomeini, Assad, Chavez, etc… will go down along with Tamerlane, Kaiser Wilhelm, Stalin, Hitler and Mao as fiends who broke the world. Prepare yourself and your families for it. The well prepared have a much better chance of surviving over the ill prepared.


John Pepin

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