All Lives Don’t Matter to a Progressive

Dear friends,

It seems to me, when the progressive media attacks someone for saying all lives matter, the question I would like to ask them is… then who’s life doesn’t matter? Logically, if someone attacks another for saying something, then there is some disagreement with the statement, at least in the eyes of the attacker. It follows then, that when someone attacks another who says, “all lives matter,” they disagree with that statement. Therefore, if all lives don’t matter, then we must ask, “who’s life doesn’t matter?” The progressives don’t want to hear that question, let alone answer it, because the answer would illustrate the diabolical nature of progressivism. Lest you be deceived, it behooves you to understand this, to say only some lives matter, which is what the progressives who attack anyone who says all lives matter, are really saying… is a sure path to Tartarus.

Progressives know, most people will not bother to think of the logical consequences of their words, only the emotional content. Most people only react to a statement and don’t burn a single calorie thinking about it, or the logical result, if that statement were put into action. We are so busy in our own lives we simply want to react, it is far easier and makes us feel good. Doing so creates the conditions where we can be easily manipulated by our emotions. Logically, those who seek to manipulate people by their emotions, are not people who seek the best interests of those they manipulate. When people react emotionally, instead of thinking about a statement, they are open to outright manipulation against their own best interests.

That all lives don’t matter to progressives is obvious in their stances on a host of issues. Progressives since Teddy Roosevelt have shown that human life means nothing to them. They have perpetrated the most blood curdling crimes against humanity. The Eugenics movement, a movement that was thought up, implemented and exported by progressives, is only one example. That idea, that human beings should be bred like cattle and sterilized against their will led directly to the Nazi gas chambers. Hitler gave a big shout out to American progressives by the way, for that. We only need observe the policies and actions of progressives to understand that to them, some lives don’t matter.

Clearly the lives of Christians don’t matter to them. Today there is a Christian genocide going on in the Middle East. That cannot be denied. Muslims are systematically exterminating Christians, forcing girls into slavery and marriage as well as other ethnic and religious groups. Unlike the Nazis, the Islamofascists televise their atrocities. What is the reaction of progressives? Send the Islamofascists more weapons! Today Christianity is lost in most of the birthplace of Christianity and Progressives could care less. In fact, Christians are barred from emigrating to the US and Britain, so their persecutors can flock to those western nations by the millions. What do you suppose is the reason for that? Because to the progressives, Christian lives don’t matter.

Obviously the lives of unborn children and the aged don’t matter either. Abortion on demand for whatever reason at any trimester is a sacrament of progressivism. They export that crime against humanity to every corner of the globe. Abortion teaches a would be mother, not love, but violence. The outcome can only be people who value human life less. The recent news articles that have come out showing Planned Parenthood selling baby parts for profit should make everyone’s blood run cold. Planned Parenthood, started by the famous progressive Margret Sanger, for the express purpose of exterminating African Americans, even changed the way they murder those children. Now, instead of cutting them apart, dismembering them, as the baby fights the abortionist’s scissors, the abortionist crushes the arms and legs of the baby. If someone were to execute the most evil villain, child molester, serial killer, in that fashion, the world would recoil at it. That progressives are cool with torturing a baby to death, so the parts can be better preserved, shows their heartlessness.

When a philosophy stands on the opinion that some human lives do not matter that philosophy is evil. That should be obvious to everyone, yet amazingly, it is not. The definition of whose life doesn’t matter to progressives has changed through the years, but one strand runs through all eras of progressivism, that some lives don’t matter. In Margret Sanger’s day it was the lives of African Americans that didn’t matter, in Nazi Germany the lives of Jews and Gypsies didn’t matter, today the lives of Christians and babies doesn’t matter… tomorrow it may be your life that doesn’t matter. But if they come for you, you will have nothing to say, because you already agreed that some lives don’t matter.


John Pepin

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