The Coming of the Brave New World

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we have entered a time when up is down, good is bad and right is wrong. Today we have people who wield political power who believe… only some lives matter, they deny God, they allow lunatics who hate the US and the West to get nuclear weapons while disarming their own people, being pro abortion is a litmus test for holding office, government keeps track of every man woman and child’s race, historic monuments are being threatened with destruction, politically incorrect thoughts are outlawed, a certain flag is under threat of a ban, the two million year old institution of marriage has been redefined, the only nation in the Middle East that is free and democratic is the bad guy while those autocratic nations who stone women to death and sponsor terrorism are the good guys, every segment of the US government is buying ammo like the end times are here, our history is being changed, our traditions are being dismantled, politicians don’t even give lip service to our Constitution, children are taught sodomy instead of reading in the government monopoly school system, those who start businesses and hire people are vilified while those who are villains are glorified, a retired US general wants to intern people who the government considers “disloyal” to the government, even as five service members are murdered in a terrorist attack the President congratulates that religion, the President refuses to lower flags to half mast for those slain service members, even as the economy of the world gets closer to total bankruptcy and money printing has become the norm the price of gold and silver is manipulated down, politicians who are caught in direct violation of the law face no punishment while citizens who are caught in violation of the very same laws only to a much lesser extent are forced into psychotherapy, returning veterans and constitutionalists are considered terrorists and those who’s religion tells them to commit terror are not, banks create money out of thin air and charge interest on it while paying you nothing for your deposits on money you had to work for, veterans cannot get healthcare while the US gives immediate total healthcare for illegal immigrants, small business creation is negative for the first time in US history, the government doesn’t trust the military with guns… I could go on and on but I would like to address the issue somewhat.

There is only one possible outcome from all this lunacy, war, as well as a collapse of our economy, civilization and society. Such an outcome would/will be horrific in that it will usher in human suffering on a scale never before experienced, even at the depths of the Second World War. That result becomes more likely every day the craziness continues. Such a catastrophe would be a reset of human civilization. The new class, who are the repository of our economy, civilization and society, are the people who implement these things.

It is possible that the new class elite who run everything from the board rooms to the highest echelons of government are so stupid they do not understand good from evil or right from wrong. While we have to keep that as a possibility, the new class, by definition, are the intelligentsia, those with advanced college degrees. They have the benefit of the best education, the best standard of living, the best access to information and are the most powerful segment of society. The benefits of being in the new class are too numerous to tick off. They are the lawyers, judges, politicians, bureaucrats, professors, deans of our colleges, teachers, our Chief Executive Officers, bankers, reporters, editors of our news outlets, Hollywood executives, writers, Wall street traders, etc… The new class wields power over every aspect of our civilization, economy and society.

Since they have so much education, wealth and power it does seem odd they could be so imbecilic that they do not understand the natural outcomes of their own policies, policies that are so absurd as to make Don Quixote blush. So what other possibility could there be that they support and have implemented such folly? Could it be that they are not stupid at all? Is it possible that they know exactly what they are doing?

Since all people in the new class is educated in our colleges and universities, and those colleges and universities are run by people who subscribe to the Frankfurt school or are Fabian socialists, it is only logical they indoctrinate the students, the future members of the new class, into their philosophy. The Frankfurt school is based on the writings of Marx, Freud, and Nietzsche. The Fabian socialists believe that society needs to be heated up to the point of melting so they can reform it into a civilization closer to their hearts desire. Both are Marxist at their core. Moreover the Georgia Guide stones are a monument to the philosophical goals of those two philosophies.

In this context the actions of the new class become clear, they are not stupid in the classical sense, they know where their policies will take the human race. If that is true then they seek to destroy civilization so they can remake it closer to their hearts desire. The absurdity we see all around us is not meant to improve the lot of Mankind, at least not in the short term, they are to lower the lot of man to poverty, want and war. That way, people will scream for a new order, one they seek to foist on us without our acceptance or permission. They consider themselves to be much smarter than us hoi polloi and so our input is not wanted or needed. The new class is willing to create suffering and misery, to progress society to a new utopia, where everyone is a slave to the world government. They want to forge a Brave New World, complete with Alphas, Betas, Gammas and Epsilons, with their heirs being the alphas. They are willing to do what it takes to get what they want. As Lenin said, “You must break some eggs if you want to make an omelet.”


John Pepin

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