Socialize This!

Dear Reader,

It seems to me that if we take as a given, as a means of argument, that to socialize some industry is a good.

Then I would argue that socializing the Health Care industry would be a bad first choice. If you really want to do society some real good socialize the Legal industry.

All attorneys would be paid by the State. Given a good salary and fourty hours a week. If you need a legal document made out you would submit it to the government lawyer and he/she would provide the service at a flat rate. Legal services such as lawsuits would be assigned an attorney by lot.

Or perhaps there could be a ’One Payer’ system. We would be taxed by the government. The taxes would pay all lawyers a set rate for their work. Then if you need legal services it would be free. The poor should have access to legal services, like the rich, it’s a matter of justice!

This would keep large corporations more in check. Anyone injured, real or perceived, would be able to, free of charge, sue anyone else. The single payer system would be the ‘gold standard’ of legal representation.

To make the system really fair however one would have to make it illegal to use any legal services outside the government system. This would assure fairness, efficiency, quality, affordability, racial justice and certainty of services as only the government can provide.

Think about this for a few seconds…

Why then are we doing this to our health care system?

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