Inequality is to a Socialist as Soil is to a Tree.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, to say Bernie Sanders is going to, (or even wants to) fix income inequality is to say, trees want to eliminate soil. Income inequality is the very source of political power for Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and every other progressive, or in Sander’s case, Marxist. Those who espouse socialism have no difficulty what so ever at the irony they always seek to become wealthy without providing anything of value, but in fact, creating the conditions where an economy will collapse, knowing full well what they are doing! Don’t fool yourself for a minute, that New class socialists care a whit for you or your family, they see you, not as an individual but as an African American, Hispanic, a white racist, capitalist, hater, neo conservative, etc… They only see you and I as the group they pigeon hole us into, as a means of separating us from each other and to weaken our resolve to fight them. To want equality is noble, to use the term as a means of getting more inequality however is as vile as it is manipulative.

If you listen to the words people use it tells you a great deal of what is going on in their heads. Examine my words, and you can get an idea of what I want for humanity, examine theirs and you get a different idea of what they want. We are never I but they. You are a member of some oppressed group no matter your ethnicity, political persuasion, religion or perhaps you are a member of the oppressor group, the reality of your existence is irrelevant to government controlled by progressives, socialists and Marxists, but a cell in the organism or group you are a member of. You are, say, a toe, and if you loose a toe so the face doesn’t have to be scarred…

The New Class, especially the progressive new class, are very well educated. Education is one of the defining factors of the new class. Lawyers, economists, Doctors, CEOs and professors are the leaders of the new class, would you argue they are ignorant? Since they are not ignorant we must conclude they have at least a modicum of knowledge of history. Given, the weight of human history shows, arbitrary rule always results in poverty and despotism, moreover, that socialism has only resulted in starvation and arbitrary rule, then the new class cannot claim ignorance.

Have you noticed every solution to every problem is more government and more power? Income inequality? Create more regulations and taxes insuring the actual rich don’t have to face competition. A welfare state program going bankrupt? Simply increase taxes on those trying to get wealthy while leaving old money alone. Immigration policy creating violent internal friction, (terrorism). Increase surveillance on everyone. Guns sent to a neighboring nations by government causing the growth of violent gangs there? Blame gun dealers and try to shut them down. Big government health care chimera razing the economy, ala Godzilla? Make it bigger and more tyrannical. The solution to every problem government creates, to the progressive, requires more government.

In the Nineteenth century however, (before the invention of the bureaucracy and the implementation of the Federal Reserve and the welfare state), the US economy had huge swings of growth and recession, but on average the economy grew at a rapid pace. There was a long period where the economy grew rapidly in the face of deflation. The dollar’s buying power increased, while the economy grew, which any Keynesian new class economist would tell you is impossible. In the early 1800’s the US experienced a labor shortage! Conditions were such that people could make good money without working for someone else, business conditions were that good. People migrated to the US to the point of a tenth of the European population. They voted with their feet to go from a heavily regulated economy to a free one.

Every example of a socialist government, from revolutionary France, through Nazi Germany, to Venezuela… has resulted the same, eventual economic devastation, tyranny and war. Some examples have been singular in their brutality they will be remembered as long as there are people. The Khamir Rouge in Cambodia was on such example, Mao’s sending the Red Guard house to house taking by force all the food from the countryside, after a few million had starved Mao declared the famine over and distributed the food, he had taken back to the people he had taken it from, the final solution, and finally, Stalin’s Ukrainian famine.

The very source of political power for a socialist is the anger inequality he or she creates in a society. Their policies are designed to create inequality even as their claimed intention is to eliminate it. The test is that in the 1800, until the government started encouraging monopolies, there was little inequality, but since the progressive era, inequality has grown out of control. Eliminate inequality and why do you need a firebrand socialist to restore it? Inequality is to a socialist as soil is to a tree, it provides a place for it’s roots, support and sustenance.

New class progressives cannot claim ignorance of history, yet their every action is to move the world to tyranny, albeit they would argue benevolent tyranny, regardless of the lessons of history. Those like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Francois Holland, Hugo Chavez, Barak Obama, Ban Ki Moon, Bill Deblasio, Alexis Tsipras, and many more know exactly where they are taking this planet, and their power is derived directly from inequality and the anger they gin up for it. They will ride it to wealth, fame and power, but their names eventually will go down in infamy, when in a hundred years they, and we, will be remembered as the fools who left paradise for slavery, had every opportunity to change direction but didn’t, and should have known better.


John Pepin

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