Election Integrity

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, for the democratic element of our republic to function, as democratic, first there must be honest elections, barring that there is no democracy only the tyranny of the powerful over the powerless. If someone wants to become a despot, all that is needed is to give the appearance of free and honest elections, but in fact so undermine the election process with fraud and vote rigging that there is no honesty to the election process at all. Of course to do such a thing is villainy of the highest order. History shows however, and we all know from experience, that people can be counted on to do whatever they can to get advantage, in this the political elite are far worse than the average man or woman, because there are almost never consequences to their wrongdoing. Elections that are rigged are not elections at all but coronations.

Since the democratic element of the United States is the essential means for our governors to get the consent of the governed, us, the integrity of the election process is essential. The United States is a republic, a mixing of Aristotle’s Right forms of government, despite the pervasive propaganda that the US is a democracy, one of Aristotle’s wrong forms. Aristotle’s right forms are, monarchy, aristocracy and polity, while his wrong forms are tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. His best form is a republic, a blending of two or more of the right forms. What the right forms have in common, is that they serve the needs of all people, and what is wrong with the wrong forms, is that they each serve the people with the power. Tyranny serves the monarch, oligarchy serves the aristocracy and democracy is the tyranny of the majority over the minority.

Perverting the democratic element of our republic turns the aristocratic element of our republic, the legislature, into oligarchy, it perverts the monarchical element, the President, into a tyrant, eliminating altogether the democratic balance. All this mischief is done by degrading the base of our system, which is democracy. It should be obvious that corrupting the foundation makes the edifice unstable. Each part of the government must necessarily change from serving all the people, rich, middling and poor, to serving themselves only. The President becomes a tyrant who only serves him or herself, the legislature becomes an oligarchy that seeks only more power and wealth… and the people follow their leaders and become self serving egoists as well. Clearly, no society or government no matter how constituted, can survive such depravity for long.

Those who might agree with what the corrupting faction is doing today, should take heed that no matter how much you might agree with them today, you may not tomorrow, but then it will be too late you have given them the power to do it, and given up your power to stop them. Many know there is blatant vote fraud but spuriously argue there is none because they want their guy to have power. They might believe their guy will do good with that power, but there is no case in history or in the future, that power gained by such means has led to anything but ruination for the people and the society. This is because power is like cocaine or heroin, in small doses they help with pain, but as the doses get ever larger, they fog the mind and corrupt the soul until the drug is all consuming. The addiction of the elite to power never leads to a good result, it can only lead to all of us loosing all that we have, our grace, our wealth and our children. All great civilizations have fallen thus.

It is by small steps that we race to Hell and by small crimes that great societies crumble. Voter fraud is by far the most corrupting form of small crime. Each instance may seem small but cumulatively they add up to great evil. Dishonest politicians can be dealt with, common crime can be cleaned up and foreign attacks can be beaten back, but rot from within hollows out the very center of a civilization. Once the center is gone collapse is imminent and nothing can stop it. Accepting vote fraud and election rigging is the surest sign a civilization is rotten from within. In 25 AD Titus Livius told the Roman people that unless they changed their ways Rome would collapse. He was called an idiot by the patricians and plebeians alike. Rome had lasted a thousand years and would last a thousand more. History showed Livy correct and everyone else wrong.

What Livy did have wrong however, is that it is never the people that corrupt a society, it is always the elite that introduce it, then pass it down to those they lead. Tolerating rigged elections guarantees corruption of the most pernicious sort… no matter how much you agree with the party doing it. That is because government must serve all else it is one of Aristotle’s wrong forms and will become despotic. Since democracy is the base of our system of government, election fraud that pulverizes the foundation, weakens the whole of our society. Therefore, if we don’t stand up to our leaders and demand vote fraud be eliminated, requiring those engaging in it be punished severely, our complacence will sow the seeds of our own destruction, enslaving our children to whomever rises in our place.


John Pepin

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